UpdateVista from SP2 to 2025-01 Script

Discussion in 'Windows Vista' started by xrononautis, Mar 8, 2023.

  1. xrononautis

    xrononautis MDL Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2021
    Once I upload the script for February go into the installation/repacks and run NDP462-x86-x64-ENU manually. This is abbodi1406's repack which you can also download directly if you don't want to wait. If you want to install .net cumulative from windows update you need the bypass2008 first which you will find in the folder tools. Honestly though just use abbodi1406 repack and save yourself the trouble.

    Edit: the February script is up. You will find the new repack in tools (zipped) and in repacks/installations uncompressed.
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  2. xmr2

    xmr2 MDL Novice

    Sep 14, 2022
    i try
  3. xrononautis

    xrononautis MDL Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2021
    As abbodi said. Install the latest repack and don't bother with .net updates through WU. If you are running it from my script run the repack manually because the script doesn't detect particular updates to .net 4.6.2 but rather if .net462 is installed or not.
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  4. TesterMachineOS

    TesterMachineOS MDL Addicted

    Apr 20, 2021
  5. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
  6. TesterMachineOS

    TesterMachineOS MDL Addicted

    Apr 20, 2021
    I want to create an updated ISO and with sysprep it is possible for now.
  7. xmr2

    xmr2 MDL Novice

    Sep 14, 2022
    I made an iso with fully updated vista using dism++. it is very simple and easy to get a wim file
  8. TesterMachineOS

    TesterMachineOS MDL Addicted

    Apr 20, 2021
    The problem is that not all updates to this script can be integrated via dism++. (there is also the limit of 100 updates).

    Some must be integrated with the online system, and to integrate from dism++ you must have a minimum of Windows 7 or Windows Vista Host, since in Windows 10/11 it will show the "unsupported interface" error.

    That's why I integrate into the system from a virtual machine and then use sysprep and obtain an updated WIM.
  9. TesterMachineOS

    TesterMachineOS MDL Addicted

    Apr 20, 2021
    Is there any Windows Server 2008 update that directly integrates the .NET Framework 4.6.2?

    So far I'm trying to install .NET Framework 4.6.2 on Windows Vista x86 using an official installation but it's getting a "digital signature could not be verified" error.
  10. xrononautis

    xrononautis MDL Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2021
    The script is now updated to 2024-03.
    I added the latest cumulative update. Also the ultimate extras will now be downloaded together with the rest in the folder 411-extras. I added a small script that installs all the cabs according to architecture and then DELETES them and restarts the computer. The script is in the root folder and all you need to do is place it inside the folder with the cabs and run it.
    Shortcuts to extras and product red have been added as well for anyone who might want them. If anyone have more links to give me I might added. Just let me know.

    Also, the code beneath is responsible for installing 90% of the updates. Can anyone help me add a registry check inside this for loop so that I can skip the msu execution if the update exists? This will speed up things by a lot and minimize disk writes since now everything gets extracted first then executed and then skipped if already exists. %%f expands to something like "windows6.0-x64-KB12345678-Description.msu". @abbodi1406 ?
    Basically I need something that will extract the kb number from the %%f and then compare it to the appropriate registry key like:
    Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages\Package_1_for_KB4528759~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~18362.590.1.0
    I know how to do it manually but no idea how to automate it. Thank you in advance!

    for %%f in (*%arch%*.msu) do (
        echo %%f
        Wusa.exe %%f /quiet /norestart
        echo %%f>>"%~dp0log.txt"
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  11. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    @echo off
    for %%f in (*%arch%*.msu) do (
        set "msu=%%f"&call :doInstall
    goto :eof
    set kb=
    set tn=2
    for /f "tokens=%tn% delims=-" %%A in ('echo %msu%') do (
      if not errorlevel 1 (
        echo %%A|findstr /i /b KB >nul && (set kb=%%A&goto :endLoop)
        set /a tn+=1
        goto :startLoop
      ) else (
        goto :endLoop
    if "%kb%"=="" goto :eof
    if exist "%SystemRoot%\servicing\packages\package_*_for_%kb%*.mum" goto :eof
    echo %msu%
    Wusa.exe %msu% /quiet /norestart
    echo %msu%>>"%~dp0log.txt"
    goto :eof
  12. TesterMachineOS

    TesterMachineOS MDL Addicted

    Apr 20, 2021
    After investigating this problem so much, I found the cause of the problem.

    The cumulative update "kb5034795-x86-2024-02-Security-Monthly-Quality-Rollup-for-WS2008" corrupts WinSAT causing "Microsoft Visual C++ Library" errors

    The same happens with the 2023 cumulative update (regardless of whether it is 2023-01 -> 2023-12)

    If only the update "kb4534303-x86-2020-01-Security-Monthly-Quality-Rollup-for-WS2008" is integrated, this problem does not occur.

    It seems that the new 2023-2024 updates are breaking some things for Windows Vista Business SP2 x86, since I checked this on Windows Vista Business SP2 x64 and there are no problems.
  13. xmr2

    xmr2 MDL Novice

    Sep 14, 2022
    I have dism++ integrating absolutely all updates. i installed vista in a virtual machine. i ran the script, completely updated vista. then i installed microsoft office 2010 and browsers. then right in this vista i run dism++, select "save image as" - and dism++ saves me a wim file. Then I take this wim file and install it using the winntsetup program. it can also be installed using the standard vista installer, just rename it to install.wim. and as a result of the installation I get a ready vista with all updates and programs. and there are no errors.