Use Intel NIC PXE image mod for 2.1 SLIC?

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by SirSilentBob, Aug 25, 2009.

  1. Apokrif

    Apokrif MDL Addicted

    Dec 7, 2008
    #281 Apokrif, Jan 1, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2010
    >ST 9520N
    512 Kbit, serial Flash memory, 50 MHz SPI bus interface
    512 Kbit = 64 Kbytes <- that should be the dump size, IMO…

    >(There is a circular divot in the bottom left corner of this chip. Is that normal?)
    If it’s small – it marks pin #1, I guess.

    AT25F1024 - 1 M-bit, SPI Bus Serial Flash
    1 M-bit = 128 Kbytes <- that should be the dump size for Ericchak
    Please, correct if I’m mistaken

    I think it’s defective NIC still. Could you get a replacement?
  2. jellysweep

    jellysweep MDL Novice

    Dec 4, 2009
    #282 jellysweep, Jan 1, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2010
    I bought it off of ebay. It was allegedly, new, never used. It came in retail package and everything. I've emailed the seller to see if I can exchange/return. He has multiple listings for the same item, so I'm hoping an exchange would be possible at the very least. This is disappointing.

    I looked at the eeprom dump. It only appears to have dumped the small amount of data that was on screen when I chose to dump the file... not the full eeprom. I will try again, and see if I can get it to dump the full eeprom or if that is the true size.

    I looked around all the eeupdate options.
    some info from eeupdate:
    EEPROM Size: 64 words
    EEPROM Type: Microwire
    EEPROM Addressing: 6 bits
    image version: unversioned
    device id: 0000
    vendor id: 0000

    Again, I went to Raw eeprom option that displays the first 64 words. Then I went to the Raw eeprom extended entry, and it appears there is only the 64 words in the entire eeprom. The dump reflects the same. No clue why the eeprom would be so small. I then tried ibautil -defaultconfig, followed by ibautil -FE. It still states it is not supported.
  3. Apokrif

    Apokrif MDL Addicted

    Dec 7, 2008
    I guess, EEPROM is where NIC config is stored (similar to CMOS on PC), including info weather PXE enabled or not.
    If somebody has NIC handy, he can dump EEPROM twice with PXE enabled and not.
    Should be only 1 byte changes (plus CRC?)
    But that byte might be different for different PXE ROM versions.
    Where are you anyway – I do have spare NIC.
    I hope it's not too expensive to mail it :)
    Please, do not replay here - PM me instead!
  4. ericchak

    ericchak MDL Junior Member

    Sep 3, 2009
    use version 501 then go into formatted eeprom, then you should get the flash enable option.
  5. ericchak

    ericchak MDL Junior Member

    Sep 3, 2009
  6. Apokrif

    Apokrif MDL Addicted

    Dec 7, 2008
    Ok. Hopefully it'll work for jellysweep! :)
  7. jellysweep

    jellysweep MDL Novice

    Dec 4, 2009
    #287 jellysweep, Jan 2, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2010
    I checked in 501. Flash is set to enabled, and size is set to 128 Kbytes. I still get the same error that there is no supported Flash. This doesn't make any sense to me? Maybe it's a new hardware revision or something?


    So this is kind of interesting. I started messing around with that eeupdate 501 program. I decided to set the eeprom to disabled. After doing so - ibautil stated that flash was disabled. I then went back into eeupdate 501, and re-enabled the flash at 128k. Ibautil now stated "restart required" under flash type. After restarting, ibautil went back to "flash not supported". EEupdate501 confirmed that flash was enabled. If there is no flash, why can it disable/enable it? It's so weird. It seems like I can enable/disable the flash, but for some reason ibautil won't recognize it to flash it.
  8. Apokrif

    Apokrif MDL Addicted

    Dec 7, 2008
    I think you flash size should be 64K - any way to change it?
    Could you reformat eeprom?
  9. Apokrif

    Apokrif MDL Addicted

    Dec 7, 2008
    Wanna switch gears back.
    >Both the RSDT and XSDT are located in the F0000 memory region, which the Intel chipsets mark as read-only. So, the patch procedure runs, but it never actually changes the memory regions.
    I was wondering, notebook [un]docking operation - does it change both RSDT and XSDT or not?
  10. truthinjection

    truthinjection MDL Member

    Aug 27, 2009
    I don't know too much about notebooks. I'm a big-case guy, but..

    Hmm. Maybe, but I wouldn't ... think ... so. If they were in the F000 region, that would mean that they would have to be un-protected then re-protected, which seems like the hard way to do that. All the RSDT and XSDT do is hold a set of entry-pointers to all the lesser ACPI tables. I would think they'd just have all the relevant tables linked/created during BIOS boot, then only change the lesser tables, rather than the highest two. Plus, if they put the xSDT tables in high-address memory, they could change them without poking at the F000 protection registers in the northbridge/CPU(in the i5/i7 case). I believe the OS does the handling of dock/undock, rather than the BIOS.

    a best guess,
  11. Apokrif

    Apokrif MDL Addicted

    Dec 7, 2008
    #293 Apokrif, Jan 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    XPS 420
    Table NameOEMID&TableIDAddress  LenthDescription Table  (ACPI 2.0)
    RSD PTR DELL          000FEBF1    36Root System Desc.Pointer
     |- RSDTDELL  B9K     000FD032    68Root System Desc.Table 0x44
     |     |
     |  00 |- FACP  DELL  B9K     000FD146   116// 0x74
     |  01 |- SSDT  DELLst_ex     FFF5DB88   172
     |  02 |- BOOT  DELL  B9K     000FD340    40
     |  03 |- MCFG  DELL  B9K     000FD368    62
     |  04 |- HPET  DELL  B9K     000FD3A6    56
     |* 05 |- SLIC  DELL  B9K     000FD3DE   374Software Licensing Desc.Table
     |  06 |- OSFR  DELL  B9K     CFE55C00   124
     |  07 |- APIC  DELL  B9K     000FD2AE   146
     |- XSDTDELL  B9K     000FD09A   100Extended System Desc.Table
        00 |- FACP  DELL  B9K     000FD1BA   244
        01 |- SSDT  DELLst_ex     FFF5DB88   172
        02 |- APIC  DELL  B9K     000FD2AE   146
        03 |- BOOT  DELL  B9K     000FD340    40
        04 |- MCFG  DELL  B9K     000FD368    62
        05 |- HPET  DELL  B9K     000FD3A6    56
        06 |- OSFR  DELL  B9K     CFE55C00   124
      * 07 |- SLIC  DELL  B9K     000FD3DE   374Software Licensing Desc.Table
    Latitude D430
    Table NameOEMID&TableIDAddress  LenthDescription Table  (ACPI 1.0)
    RSD PTR DELL          000FC0E0    20Root System Desc.Pointer // 00-01-01.bin C0E0
     |- RSDTDELL  M07     7F681A0E    68Root System Desc.Table // 54FD
        00 |- FACP  DELL  M07     7F682800   116                       // 5541
        01 |- HPET  DELL  M07     7F682F00    56                       // 57A1
        02 |- APIC  DELL  M07     7F683000   104                       // 55B5
        03 |- ASF!  DELL  M07     7F682C00   126                       // 56E5
        04 |- MCFG  DELL  M07     7F682FC0    62                       // 5763
      * 05 |- SLIC  DELL  M07     7F68309C   374Software Licensing Desc.Table // 57D9
        06 |- TCPA  DELL  M07     7F683300    50                       // 59FD
        07 |- SSDT  PmRefCpuPm    7F681A95  1244

    For notebook, only RSD PTR in F0000 region, everything else is in 7F681A00
    I guess, 7F681A00 is also read-only - any easy way to tell?

    >I believe the OS does the handling of dock/undock, rather than the BIOS.
    IMO, supposed to be OS <-> ACPI <-> dock/undock...
    Again, not sure if any any ACPI tables gets changed - can somebody test and upload RW-everything reports.
  12. truthinjection

    truthinjection MDL Member

    Aug 27, 2009
    Right. ACPI generates an event, that the OS detects and then calls a function embedded in the ACPI tables to re-enumerate, I think.

    Well, good. That, at least, sounds like what I was talking about, with them avoiding the F000 range for dynamic tables. I think the 7xxxxxxx range should be non-read-only. A nice quick way to tell would be to load WindSLIC into that BIOS, since it should work on that memory range. :)

    Sounds like notebooks might be the better Dell candidates for WindSLIC-style mods, while the desktops can use super-static or something similar.

  13. truthinjection

    truthinjection MDL Member

    Aug 27, 2009
    It's always been two chips in my experience, at least with the Intel NICs.

    Dell likes to do stuff its own unique way, but..

    At least one [non-Dell, Server] motherboard I looked at had the EEPROM on the board as a discrete chip physically next to the embedded NIC chip. I'm assuming that's the usual case. The NIC doesn't know any EEPROM "address" in this case since the EEPROM is hard-wired directly to pins on the NIC chip, rather than anywhere else.

  14. Apokrif

    Apokrif MDL Addicted

    Dec 7, 2008
    Ok. But does ACPI tables themselves change or not?

    Is there anything easier than that? ;)

    Exactly! :)
  15. Apokrif

    Apokrif MDL Addicted

    Dec 7, 2008
    Ok... This's very logical/easiest way, but resource wasteful somewhat :)

    There is thread here, talking about loosing MAC address (i.e. set to all FF) after "wrong" AWARD BIOS flash on Dell Inspiron 530.
    How could happen if MAC is in EEPROM?
    Not sure if Inspiron 530 is Intel or Broadcom...
  16. ericchak

    ericchak MDL Junior Member

    Sep 3, 2009
    My Dell 200 had this problem before all ff, (530 is same as 200, board from foxconn), they use Intel.

    I use eeupdate -mac to recover the MAC address, that's the reason I found the eeupdate. (only 503 version of eeupdate can recover the onboard Intel)
  17. Apokrif

    Apokrif MDL Addicted

    Dec 7, 2008
    >I use eeupdate -mac to recover the MAC address
    I.e. it does have separate EEPROM chip!

    I assume, Dell 200 is AWARD also.
    Did you you replace SATA ROM?
    Have you found a way to enable WoL?

    Sorry for offtopic, guys...