Use Intel NIC PXE image mod for 2.1 SLIC?

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by SirSilentBob, Aug 25, 2009.

  1. truthinjection

    truthinjection MDL Member

    Aug 27, 2009
    Thanks. Yep. That's one of my testing motherboards, in fact.

    You might want to update to the v2010.01.20 version while you're thinking about it.

    Have fun!
  2. rseverett

    rseverett MDL Novice

    Dec 24, 2009
    Hi everyone
    I need help or advice I cannot get my computer to boot if I set WindSLIC to first boot divice, it show Initializing WindSLIC v2010.01.20.02 with (_ASUS_Notebook)....
    then it said Press F5 to skip
    After that blank screen (Even I leave Windows CD in a drive still won't boot)
    If I don't set WindSLIC to first device the computer boot just fine but RW report show no SLIC table
    I have Dell Dimension XPS GEN-3 Bios v.A07 (No built in video card) only Network card does but I disable it when I install Intel Pro/1000GT and mod with WindSLIC
    Thanks for any help.
  3. cogengr

    cogengr MDL Novice

    Jul 31, 2009
    #443 cogengr, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2010

    This sounds a lot like the issue I was having. tij helped fix this, if it's the same thing - did you edit the windslic.asm file, the section below, to set WORKAROUND_1_DELL_VID = 1 ? That would certainly be worth trying, if you haven't; I have a feeling that the problem won't be limited to Dimension 9100/9150s, but any Dell BIOS built on the same codebase. Please report back so we know!

    ; WORKAROUND_1_DELL_VID - An attempt to disable various screen-clearing
    ; to work around issues with Dell Dimension 9100/9150 PCs.
    WORKAROUND_1_DELL_VID = 1 ; 0 - disabled (default)
    ; 1 - enabled
  4. rseverett

    rseverett MDL Novice

    Dec 24, 2009
    #444 rseverett, Jan 29, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2010
    Thank you cogengr
    I did as your advice (WORKAROUND_1_DELL_VID = 1) and It seem to boot pass WindSLIC and continue on to CD or Floppy denpend on what device I want it to boot to
    How ever I am install Windows Vista now, will see if it activate or not?
    I will update the out come
    Appreciated your help very much

    I am glade to report that My Dell Deminsion XPS GEN_3 is boot up and activated Windows Vista just fine after alittle mod on WORKAROUD_1_DELL_VID = 1 ;Enable
    Thank you for everyone who help and make availible.
    Now I will try on Intel motherboard to see if it also activate Windows vista?
    Thanks again
  5. MrCobra

    MrCobra MDL Novice

    Nov 23, 2008

    Thanks for the replies.
  6. Apokrif

    Apokrif MDL Addicted

    Dec 7, 2008
    #446 Apokrif, Jan 29, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  7. CZZ

    CZZ MDL Novice

    Jan 31, 2010

    I wonder if anybody was able to run it under QEMU/KVM?

    First I got ER:00_PFA and ER:INITFAIL messages, to work around I commented out the PFA checking code in the .asm file.

    Now it shows no errors but still no SLIC. I used the "Vista Ldr 2.4.1" program to vertify if SLIC exists. Used a Dell QA09 SLIC dump.

    KVM userspace is from the latest GIT snapshot.
  8. sebus

    sebus MDL Guru

    Jul 23, 2008
    You can NOT run do it from a VPN connection, as the router will not allow it.
    You need to run it from a machine on the remote LAN.

    Or if you have a router that would allow you to edit the arp tables permanently (ie Netgear drops arp tables after few minutes after machine disconnects like switch off)
    the you could do WOL remotely via port forwarding

  9. truthinjection

    truthinjection MDL Member

    Aug 27, 2009
    I don't know anything about KVM [except that Linus Torvalds and his crew need to STOP using acronyms that are already well-used in the computer genre: KVM/DRM, wtf?] but I develop WindSLIC under QEMU, where it works fine usually.

    The only program I use/know for sure will show the EBDA SLIC stuff correctly is RW-Evereything, v1.4.7.

    Good luck,
  10. truthinjection

    truthinjection MDL Member

    Aug 27, 2009
    You also can enable detailed or debug mode and compile it as a DOS COM file (wscomfil.asm instead of windslic.asm), and run it from there, redirecting its output so that you can see/upload it.

  11. Apokrif

    Apokrif MDL Addicted

    Dec 7, 2008
    Yep – and there is another way - I’ve read a lot to figure it out. ;)
    I short WOL packet is {directed} broadcast.
    I configured OpenVPN in route mode – means no any broadcasts.
    Reconfigured it in bridge mode – WOL works now, but all local broadcast traffic is received by remote client, I guess. Need to find a way to measure it and take control over it somehow…
    Every time I try to do something seemingly very simple, it turns out to be a complex problem and required lots of reading to solve… :(
  12. Apokrif

    Apokrif MDL Addicted

    Dec 7, 2008
    Just to reiterate:
    BIOS doesn’t have WOL setting only because LOM (Intel 100VE) isn’t PCI 2.2 compliant. It turns out (Intel 100S+) isn’t PCI 2.2 compliant either. And something was not right with PCIx NIC too.
    Used PCI express NIC to make it work (thanks to -tij- who likes solving problems)
    Used DCCU to enable non-existing WOL setting.
    Learned why XP wakes up from hibernate, but not from shutdown and how to fix it. And all WOL related variations in different drivers (M$ / Intel) for both XP & W7.
    Configured OpenVPN bridge mode.
    Each step took from few hour to a couple days to solve… :eek:
  13. Apokrif

    Apokrif MDL Addicted

    Dec 7, 2008
    Could it be related to EBDA again?

    Could you get a dump W7 EBDA 1st 256 bytes?

    I think if you dump few byte EBDA “one screen row” should be enough, it might help figuring out what is wrong there. Definitely need to see number of allocated EBDA pages.
    Remember non working HP, where DOS COM debug output didn’t give any clues…
    It might be very same problem.
  14. sebus

    sebus MDL Guru

    Jul 23, 2008
    Which system was it?

  15. Apokrif

    Apokrif MDL Addicted

    Dec 7, 2008
    Dimension 9100
  16. rseverett

    rseverett MDL Novice

    Dec 24, 2009
    Hi Everyone I need help with my Computer it was home built computer the motherboard was Intel D845GBV with Pentium-4 on it
    I buy 2 Intel Pro/1000gt card to play around with and one was moded, install into Dell Deminsion xps Gen-3 works activated vista no problem
    but second card moded and install into Intel board boot ok but no activated I try difference key and certificate still no activated
    I use SLIC Toolkit V3.0 it show Slic table was there and RW-Everything V1.4.7 also show Slick Table was there but if I use Vista loader V2.4.0 there is no Slic no activated.

    Here is my to see if anyone can help to solve this?
    Initializing WindSLIC v2010.01.20.02 with (DELL M09)...
    Press F5 to Skip...
    ROM Base: [000015D1]
    Initial ROM Checksum: [3E]
    Corrected ROM Checksum: [C2]
    Activating WindSLIC...
    Getting H820 line...
    Checking for new e820 High-Water-Mark...
    Checking for new e820 High-Water-Mark...
    Checking for new e820 High-Water-Mark...
    Checking for new e820 High-Water-Mark...
    E820 New High-Water-Mark Found...
    Checking for new e820 High-Water-Mark...
    Checking for new e820 High-Water-Mark...
    Done Getting H820 line...
    Executing Main Code...
    Locating RSDP (checking EBDA)...
    Using EBDA@: 0009FC00
    Locating RSDP (checking E000-FFFF)...
    Copying RSDP into EBDA...
    RSDP table has Version Indicator: 00
    RSDP table has no Length DWORD.
    RSDP Length: 00000024
    Checking is RSDP in EBDA.
    Using EBDA@: 0009FC00
    Determining new RSDP Location.
    Using EBDA@: 0009FC00
    Ready to Copy RSDP to EBDA: 000F7300 to 0009FC10
    OK: RSDP should now be in EBDA region ending at:0009FC34
    Locating RSDP (checking EBDA)...
    Using EBDA@: 0009FC00
    Located RSDP Table...
    Moving RSDT to Resvd Memory...
    OK: RSDT should now be in high resvd memory region.
    Moving XSDT (if it exists) to Resvd Memory...
    No XSDT to Move: (RSDP is Pre-ACPIv2.0).
    Moving SLIC to resvd memory...
    Detected SLIC length is : [00000176]
    Copying SLIC from: [00017F70] to [5FF00000]
    Patching RSDT for SLIC...
    No Existing SLIC was found...
    Patching Using SLIC Address: [5FF00000]
    Patching XSDT (if it exists) for SLIC...
    No XSDT to Patch: (RSDP is Pre-ACPIv2.0).
    Activating Replacement Int15H Handler...

    Thanks so much
  17. truthinjection

    truthinjection MDL Member

    Aug 27, 2009
    #457 truthinjection, Feb 2, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2010
    I'm afraid I'm unfamiliar with the various Loaders. Do you have a loader installed as well as WindSLIC? That would potentially mess with the proper operation of WindSLIC, though. WindSLIC puts an RSDP table in the EBDA, which is less common than the F000 region, but by the ACPI specification, is considered *first* before anything in the F000 region, at least as far as Windows 7 is concerned. Perhaps Vista doesn't do the same thing? I have no experience with Vista, so I can't directly address issues with it.

    All that seems correct. However, that's all generated by running DOS, which would probably avoid any loader you may have previously installed.

    Did you see two tabsets? "ACPI Tables" and "ACPI Tables - EBDA"?

    Good luck,
  18. rseverett

    rseverett MDL Novice

    Dec 24, 2009
    Thank you for your reply Truthinjection
    I did a clean install windows vista ult and has no loadder the reason is I want to see moded Intel Pro/1000GT will activated windows vista?
    And RW-Everything V1.4.7 did show 2 Tables, Tabsets are "ACPI Table" other one is "ACPI Table - EBDA" they all there and ACPI Table - EBDA has SLIC Tab in it too.
    I can see everything is there but no activate I don't know why?
  19. MasterDisaster

    MasterDisaster MDL Expert

    Aug 29, 2009
    Did you install the matching cert for the slic?
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  20. rseverett

    rseverett MDL Novice

    Dec 24, 2009
    Yes MasterDisaster
    I used Dell Slic + keys and Certificate (OEM version) which is the same process as my first moded NIC and install into Dell deminsion xps gen-3 that one works Vista activated
    this is the second one that I install into difference machine and did not activate Vista, I want to try Windows-7 but it may not support because old motherboard (Pentium-4 with 1.5MB memory)
    I will get back to you all soon as I get something new