I would like to extract the Edge Browser Package, but all this tool shows is this Code: 1; Microsoft-Desktop-DebugRegSvc-Package 2; Microsoft-Desktop-WebManagement-onecoreuap-Package 3; Microsoft-Desktop-WebManagement-Package 4; Microsoft-OneCore-DeveloperMode-Desktop-analog-Package 5; Microsoft-OneCore-DeveloperMode-Desktop-onecoreuap-Package 6; Microsoft-OneCore-DeveloperMode-Desktop-Package 7; Microsoft-OneCore-DevTools-Bootstrapping-Service-Package 8; Microsoft-OneCore-WebManagement-Package 9; Microsoft-Windows-Browser-Brokers-Package 10; Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-Optional-Package 11; Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-Package 12; Microsoft-Windows-Killbits-Package 13; Microsoft-Windows-Ssh-Server-Package
I am online. I want to export the two cab files associated with the Edge Browser in 15063 so I can import to unsupported such as LTSB.
With KNARZ script package it's pretty easy . Best is to place it in a folder near root of a drive/partition, i.e. d:\win. Create ImportList.txt next to Start.cmd with content: Code: Microsoft-Windows-Internet-Browser-Package Run Start.cmd as admin to export. Default is systems WinSxs folder. To export from mounted WIM, open SxsExport.cmd in _Helper folder and edit: Code: set Flag_AskImage=0 to: set Flag_AskImage=1 and rem out: set Path_Image=%SystemRoot% The script will ask to point it to the mount folder. The exported packages can be found in Output folder.
I do believe I have it. I did get this output though, but the file sizes are appropriate for the cabs I have for Edge from 14393. Code: >550 In prog.: Microsoft-Windows-Internet-Browser-PackageC:\Export-System-Packages\_Helper\SxSExtract.vbs(924, 4) Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Path not found In prog.: Microsoft-Windows-Internet-Browser-Package (en-US) > It worked perfectly, many thanks, and kudos!!!
Interesting, that error is new to me . EDIT: Seems =)(= made progress: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...0-Enterprise-LTSB/page7?p=1331956#post1331956
See previous post. It worked perfectly. I applied it to a build I made, and installed in Hyper-V in which I had previously removed Edge. After restart Edge was in start menu, and opened beautifully. This was on 15063. I would need to try it on 14393 LTSB just for s**ts, and giggles!