Virtualize current XP setup for Windows 7?

Discussion in 'Virtualization' started by RawData, Oct 27, 2009.

  1. BdN3504

    BdN3504 MDL Novice

    Feb 15, 2010
    #21 BdN3504, Feb 15, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2010
  2. BdN3504

    BdN3504 MDL Novice

    Feb 15, 2010
    yay i succeeded!
    For anyone trying to virtualize a windows xp pc, take this advice:
    If you plan on using ms vpc for virtualization and consider enabling the notorious integration features, be absolutely sure, that ACPI is enabled in the BIOS of the VPC and that your Windows XP version is installed with ACPI turned on.
    It turned out that the xpmuser account wasn't needed for the succesful activation of integration features. Just make sure the user on the vpc used for the integration features has administrator privileges.
  3. Led Floyd

    Led Floyd MDL Novice

    Dec 7, 2009
    May I suggest a dual boot? Thats what I am currently doing.I have XP Pro setup the way I like it with all my necessary programs and being that I have used it for so long I could not bring myself to just wiping the drive and starting anew in windows 7.I downloaded the windows 7 that you find here on this site and used Daz's loader(which I must say is working perfectly for last 2 or 3 months,kudos Daz).Then cleared up 2nd drive,deleting whatever I could do w/out and moving what I need to 16gb flash or primary drive and installed windows 7 and ran the loader and I'll tell ya this much.I haven't been back on the xp side since.Windows 7 is perfect (so far) with what and when i need to do on a PC.I am running the 32 bit system for the simple fact I need a memory upgrade and I have a buddy who is running the 64bit version and has had just a few problems finding the right drivers,programs or whatever but,he just had to find an alternate driver/program that did work in 64bit win7.Anyway,just thought I'd offer a simple fix that worked for me.Good luck to ya.