No clicking on the link won't fix it but the report gives us a lot more info and 2centsworth has found from report that Software Licensing service is not running hope fully his excellent info will solve your problem
Anybody out there? I have been on so many help forums. I follow instructions till I get to a point that I don't see what I'm supposed to click on. I would pull my hair out, but I spend too much on it to mess it up... hee hee
What are we, Swiss cheese? This thread is 43 posts long with anybodies. You also found anybodies on all of the other threads you visited. Somewhere an old man with a mote of wisdom suggested Monk
It's not easy being cheesy I found a way to download service pack 1. It has been going for a long time, what do I do if it hasn't finished when it's time for me to leave work? If I turn it off to take home, will it pick up where it left off or do I have to go through the whole process again? Thanks monk… If this doesn’t work, I’ll do a little checking around and find a shop somewhere to take it. I wish some of you guys lived closer, (Southeast) This has been an extremely traumatic week on a personal level…I think it’s time to give up, it has kept my mind busy and allowed me the opportunity to kind of talk to a couple of people even though it was a cyber thing!
@ kb123bt, not sure if it is the same for vista sp1 but with xp service packs you could go to Microsoft and request update and they did send you through cd free of charge i don't mean full Vista sp1 dvd just the SP1 service pack.
hey "U" I was on Microsoft trying to find answers and it said I needed sp1, so I've been loading for a lOOOOOOOng time. I have to pack up, like right now. What do I do?
Do you want to get back on subject activation. Did you get Software Licensing service running forget sp1 for the moment get your activation sorted out.
You'r right I guess I thought that would straighten everything out. It actually stayed running. When I got home I opened it up and it was still loading SP1. When it finished, my desktop came up! I started using it and it worked just fine...then all of the sudden....Boom! Black screen! I left it alone for a little while (actually to keep myself from throwing it into the woods! Anyway, a blue screen came up and reads "Service Pack did not install. Reverting changes. Do not turn off your computer" I'm at work with it sitting on my desk, while I watch the little "circle" go around in front of the above quote. I'm so disheartened. I've done several things that have been suggested. I am going to get on the internet and see if I can find some one with good reviews in my area and take it to them. Urie, thanks for your help, nice person. I probably will see what I can do about the licensing thing when ever it stops "reverting" everything. OH BTW! I went into the control panel and it is blank! Nothing in there at all. hmmm is that weird? Sorry, didn't mean to write a book!
@sorry kb123bt, but i think it is time to format system and reinstall this thread has been going that long i can't remember if you have Dell restore dvd or partition. P.S. dell restore dvd is actually vista install dvd it will install vista without all the dell demo software e.c.t.
It wont matter it sounds really as if you need to reinstall windows you even said control panel is not there now,we still dont know if you have disks to reinstall i take it you have since it is a dell and you should also have a recovery partition. you could try booting from vista dvd and doing a repair install that would leave your stuff intact.