Hey thanks a lot i'm not sure what kind of weaird things might happen after this but i keep loosing space on my hard drive I'm on vista home premium and was down to 19 gigsa few mins ago, now i have 26 gigs Thanks
Oh and here I thought this utility would uninstall Vista entirely. "We are sorry for the in inconvenience that you've been ripped of but Vista Junk Cleaner will now uninstall this junk off your computer *cough*Vista is a JOKE*cough* " ~ True Story
Refer to computer cleaner and protector, here I have a good recommend for you: Tuneup360 and Norton system work, but the latter one is a little bit difficult. For the beginners, Tuneup360 is a good choice.
when i downloded this version [1.1] to my friends machine and tried to open it windows said there had to be files in the folder before it could be opened. the original download to her machine began not running administratively and if you don't run it administratively many junk files don't get deleted.