@ reginakampher, thanks for the info on how to translate iv'e tried using XN resource editor and Restorator and both come up with error '=' in line 6 any idea what im doing wrong Thanks
This is what it should look like after translation. Code: object Form1: TForm1 Left = 252 Top = 115 BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu, biMinimize] BorderStyle = bsSingle Caption = 'Award Super static method editing tools' ClientHeight = 564 ClientWidth = 527 Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = GB2312_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = #23435#20307 Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = False Position = poScreenCenter The error messages can also be translated but they are a little more difficult to do. When you are done translating the GUI and the tool tips and are interested in translating the error messages, I will help you if you need it.
When I try to execute BOXP49.exe, I get the following error message: "Not found the kernel library or the kernel library is invalid"
Sorry, my bad, didn't dawn on me what it was. Just remove the Chinese characters from the folder that it was extracted in. BIOS激活OEM版XP验证工具4.9 -> BIOSOEMXP4.9
Anyone have a working link to the VMware bios? Not the Virtual PC, but the VMware. Unless there's no difference. I'm assuming there is though. The zshare link doesn't seem to work correctly. It acts like it's still hosted, but after you wait the time limit to download and click the download link, it just starts the process over. It won't let me actually download a file. If any could provide a working link, I'd greatly appreciate it.
That's twice now that you've helped me. Much thanks. I didn't get a chance to install the gigabyte bios you gave me yesterday, but hopefully tomorrow. I wanted the vmware bios because I like to keep a safe environment to test in thats as close to my main system as possible(setup wise, obviously a vm is different hardware wise). Thanks again. I have to say this has been a pretty friendly board from what I've seen so far.
Both the x86 and x64 installers install the same Virtual PC.exe. The only difference is 32bit vs 64bit drivers if i'm not wrong. So the posted files will work fine for 64bit as well. I've verified the MD5 checksum to be the same for both Virtual PC.exe.
Sorry but if you try to replace the x64 version with the slic x86 one, the program crashes miserably.