VMware Workstation/ESXi BIOS/EFI SLIC Mod

Discussion in 'Virtualization' started by pantagruel, Aug 26, 2015.

  1. philo_smithee

    philo_smithee MDL Novice

    Nov 27, 2015
    I'm hoping someone can explain what I'm doing wrong.

    I 'm using my original Dell OEM XP Pro CD which I slip-streamed with SP3 in NLite
    I've used this years ago to slipstream XP & updates on the original Dell, no problem.

    Now for testing purposes I'm trying to install it on a Lenovo laptop running Workstation 12.0.1 (build-3160714)

    I downloaded the link above for VMware 12.0.1 Dell 2.3 SLIC Multi SLP.7z
    and replaced "vmware-vmx.exe" located in the x64 folder.

    When I create a machine for XP Pro and set it to run my ISO it goes through normal installation but towards the end it always asks for the key. Even though the correct key from the CD is entered (it was automatically filled in from NLite) it tells me the key is invalid & I'm unable to continue the installation.

    I've also tried adding the bios440.filename = "6006.rom" line to the XP Pro .vmx file and copying the rom to the same folder.
    Still it asks for the key.

    Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Many thanks.
  2. pantagruel

    pantagruel MDL Addicted

    Aug 30, 2007
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  3. urie

    urie retired mod

    May 21, 2007
  4. philo_smithee

    philo_smithee MDL Novice

    Nov 27, 2015
    Thanks for the suggestions but still no luck.

    I've already been using the "install OS later" option as outlined on that page.

    I also put the 6006.rom file in the same folder as the .vmx for XP so shouldn't the full path just be
    bios440.filename = "6006.rom"

    I tried the generic key for 32 bit XP Pro shown in the link but that doesn't work either.

    The x64 version of vmware-vmx.exe is the only one I can find. Maybe they changed something for 12?

    Any other ideas?
  5. pantagruel

    pantagruel MDL Addicted

    Aug 30, 2007
    It looks like you're doing things right.

    I'm running DELL XP Pro SP3 on VMware Workstation 12.0.1 using the modded vmware-vmx.exe (C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\x64\vmware-vmx.exe) with no problems installing or activating.

    The OEM SLP strings I used in the mod match Dell Inc OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=B6F0EEFD and Dell Inc OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=63875D1F. You can check to see if your ISO is supported by mounting the ISO in windows and copying out the compressed OEMBIOS.CA in the \I386 folder to your desktop and uncompressing it with 7-Zip. Check the resulting oembios.cat CRC32 using HashTab or something. It should be B6F0EEFD or 63875D1F.
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  6. apologized

    apologized MDL Addicted

    Nov 29, 2012
    #26 apologized, Dec 1, 2015
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  7. philo_smithee

    philo_smithee MDL Novice

    Nov 27, 2015
    My CRC on OEMBIOS.CAT is the same as the 2nd one listed (63875D1F)

    I think I found part of the problem but I don't know how to fix it.

    The Dell OEM CD I own is SP1. This by itself will install. No key prompt & msoobe says its activated.
    I was then able to install SP3 separately.

    The problem comes when I use NLite to slipstream SP3 into the OEM SP1 CD.
    As a test I made an ISO that was SP3 slipstream only, no other tweaks or changes.
    When I try to install this I get the key prompt & cannot continue.

    So something must be happening with the slipstream but I have no idea what.
    There's never been a problem installing a slipstream on the actual Dell.
  8. 3sidedcube

    3sidedcube MDL Member

    Oct 1, 2009
    #28 3sidedcube, Dec 1, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2015
    Hi philo_smithee
    I am sorry that you are having problems with your install.
    when you use nlite it strip's unneeded file's from the installation It may deleted the unatended file which is used to input your key and other setting's for installation.
    you say that you have no problem's installing original dell xpsp1 and then installing sp3 and all works fine but when you slipstream your Dell XPsp1 with SP3 you have to enter the Key.

    there may be another reason you might have to input the key is if nlite replaces the bios oem file's I have never used nlite so I would not know if it dose this or not but i would check them as well

    Also check setupp.ini file and make sure it say's OEM at the and where it might say 000

    Why are you going to all the trouble to slipstream SP3 < slipstreaming is so 90s > better to install as is and feck nlite off then run disk cleanup Click on Clean up system files select all and let it do it's thing.

    Other than this I have no idea myself now :p
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  9. philo_smithee

    philo_smithee MDL Novice

    Nov 27, 2015
    It's working!

    The problem was caused by slip-streaming SP3 on a box not running XP.
    I've been doing everything on a laptop running 8.1.
    Once I switched over to the VM I made earlier running the OEM XP with SP1 and made the NLite SP3 ISO on that, everything installed perfectly.

    Microsoft has a kb on the issue. KB950722

    It never entered my mind this would be a problem since NLite never reported anything wrong.
    The slip-streamed discs I made years ago were on an XP machine so of course they ran fine.

    Thanks everyone for the help and for all the work you've done to make these great tools available!
  10. pantagruel

    pantagruel MDL Addicted

    Aug 30, 2007
    Cool. I figured there was something up with your installation image, but I wasn't sure what it was. Nice bit of sleuthing.
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  11. pantagruel

    pantagruel MDL Addicted

    Aug 30, 2007
    #31 pantagruel, Dec 9, 2015
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  12. pantagruel

    pantagruel MDL Addicted

    Aug 30, 2007
    #32 pantagruel, Dec 11, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2015
    VMware Workstation 12.1.0 updated links

    I just realized that in my last post (VMware Workstation 12.1.0) I modded with a Dell 2.1 SLIC, not the 2.3 SLIC. My bad. I fixed it up and updated the links in the last post and on the first page. Sorry about that.
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  13. sebus

    sebus MDL Guru

    Jul 23, 2008
    #33 sebus, Dec 11, 2015
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  14. pix

    pix MDL Member

    Nov 3, 2008
    I thought the same but the option is there, it's just cunningly disguised. If you click the shield it unticks and then you can direct DL.
  15. pantagruel

    pantagruel MDL Addicted

    Aug 30, 2007
    #35 pantagruel, Dec 12, 2015
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  16. pantagruel

    pantagruel MDL Addicted

    Aug 30, 2007
    #37 pantagruel, Dec 12, 2015
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  17. SkyRE

    SkyRE MDL Novice

    Jan 28, 2014
    Please share instructions how to add SLP strings to bios440.bin and MSDM section also.
  18. bithead

    bithead MDL Novice

    Feb 6, 2016
    Which ROM file to Use?

    I admit I'm stumbling around in the dark in these forums. I got here because I have an XP box that I want to re-purpose, so I converted it to a VMWare workstation. On first boot of the VM, I was unable to login without first activating, and activation failed, leaving me with a virtual door stop. Eventually I landed here in the world of SLIC and SLP. Here's what I've been able to piece together so far...

    I'm using VMWare Player 12.1.
    The original PC is a Dell Precision Workstation 360, running XP Pro SP3. I was able to get the BIOS data from it:

    BIOS=f000,e076,0010,Dell System
    BIOS0=f000,e840,0010,Dell Computer
    BIOS1=f000,49a9,0010,Dell System
    BIOS2=f000,e05e,0010,Dell System
    BIOS3=f000,e838,0018,Dell Inc

    Not being sure what to do with that info, I kept looking around (where's the SLIP & SLP for Dummies post?), and I found some ROM files - first was the Mega Pack, which contains numerous files for Dell machines, but they have abbreviated names names with no key to decipher them that I can find. Then I came across this thread which looks a bit more promising... only 4 files to choose from (or are they cumulative?). So I grabbed the VMware_12_Pro_SLP_SL file, figured out how to use it with my VM, and...

    ... I was able to login and oobe\msoobe says ibe activated - yeah! But XP has been finding new hardware for just about everything (processor, printer port, VGA, NIC, sound, and on and on) and trying to install drivers for it through the last couple of reboots. So although I've succeeded in my initial endeavor of fixing the activation and logging in, I'm not at all confident I've chosen the correct file for my system.

    So my questions are 1) With all of the different ROM file options, how the heck is one to know which one should be used?, and 2) Did I pick the right or the wrong one?, and 3) if wrong, which one is right?

    TIA for any words of wisdom!
  19. pantagruel

    pantagruel MDL Addicted

    Aug 30, 2007
    #40 pantagruel, Feb 8, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Hi bithead,

    As you’ve pieced together, the Dell OEMBIOS set in your XP installation is identified by OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32: B6F0EEFD, and the OEM SLP 1.0 strings/locations in memory (set in ROM) that match this OEMBIOS set are:

    f000,e076,0010,Dell System(used in 12.0.0 Pro_SLP_SLIC mod)
    f000,e840,0010,Dell Computer
    f000,49a9,0010,Dell System
    f000,e05e,0010,Dell System(used in 12.0.0, 12.0.1, 12.1.0 Dell_2.3_SLIC_Multi_SLP mods)
    f000,e838,0018,Dell Inc

    Any of the four downloads in the first post of this thread includes a ROM that supports the B6F0EEFD OEMBIOS set. In fact, the ROMs in the last 3 downloads (Multi_SLP) are identical. All the ROMS are based on the same VMware 12 429 bios. The reason there are different downloads is because in addition to the ROM, vmware-vmx.exe (modded with the same ROM) is also included, and there is a version of vmware-vmx.exe which corresponds to each VMware version. You're not using the modded exe so this isn't an issue for you. The first ROM (the one you are using, I think) has a more limited set of OEM SLP strings but includes the Dell string you need.

    You can use SLIC_ToolKit or Windows XP OEMBIOS Test to see if a mod supports your OEM bios set. These are available on MDL. Just run them in any Windows VM that’s using the mod in question. Here’s the output of OEMBIOS Test for the first ROM:

    Windows XP OEMBIOS Test v1.1/382/127
    F: Acer Incorporated OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=700A8481
    F: Alienware OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=CE524ABD
    F: ASUSTeK Computer Inc OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=2411858C
    F: ASUSTeK Computer Inc OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=B20C65BF
    F: Compaq Computer Corporation OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=A5E32571
    F: Dell Inc OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=63875D1F
    F: Fujitsu Limited OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=D2D64C41
    F: Fujitsu Siemens Computers OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=10045CFA
    F: Fujitsu Siemens Computers OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=E161F004
    F: Hewlett-Packard Company OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=06D652A4
    F: Hewlett-Packard Company OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=CD4E1902
    F: Lenovo OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=5237B729
    F: LG Electronics OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=8D3A3465
    F: Packard Bell B.V OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=678752DC
    F: Packard Bell B.V OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=E32D3612
    F: Samsung Electronics CO., LTD OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=904CF15A
    F: Sony Corporation ITCNC OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=376E13C7
    F: Sony Corporation ITCNC OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=F08705E9
    The above OEMBIOS set(s) should preactivate Windows XP on this system.
    You can see that Dell Inc OEMBIOS.CAT CRC32=B6F0EEFD is supported so you will be (and are) activated.

    You could also open the ROM with Andy's Phoenix Tool and search through BIOSCOD2.ROM with a hex editor to see if a string you require is present in the correct location, but if you're willing to go this route you're well on the way towards modding the bios yourself. There are a number of posts and guides about this on MDL.

    As far as the XP updates go, I guess you have to let Windows do its thing and update. It has nothing to do with the mod.

    Hope this helps.
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