VMware Workstation (Multi-Brand) Bios Installer

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by searchengine, Oct 21, 2009.

  1. highspeedmac

    highspeedmac MDL Member

    Aug 31, 2009
    @ searchengine

    Thanks for the updates.

    It just gets better and better...:cool::D
  2. searchengine

    searchengine Guest

    @ highspeedmac ... welcome;)

    here's another one then :D

    22-11-2009 UPDATED Download Link on 1st post (added +2 more SLP 2.1's) :)
  3. highspeedmac

    highspeedmac MDL Member

    Aug 31, 2009
    wow, guess I pick the right time to say thanks.... LOL:D:cool:
  4. searchengine

    searchengine Guest

    23-11-2009 UPDATED Download Link on 1st post ... (added VM Player v3 to patching)

    VMware Player v3.0 bld 203739 has been released and now supports creating virtual machines, as well as playing them .. it uses bios bld 314 like W'Stn v7 ... therefore I have updated this installer to patch either Workstation (v6-7) or Player (v3).... x32/64bit.

    No plans for any further updates in the near future, but will update SLP 2.1's from time to time. ;)
  5. red3recon

    red3recon MDL Novice

    Nov 16, 2009
    @ searchengine

    Thanks for your hard work on this! The BIOS selector is the coolest thing I have come across in a long time and your implementation of it is truly professional! It worked perfect on a Windows 7 x64 host running Vmware 7 and successfully activated Dell OEM Windows 7, Vista, XP, and Server 2008 without a glitch!

    Cheers my friend!
  6. searchengine

    searchengine Guest

    @ red3recon ...

    very welcome ;)
  7. searchengine

    searchengine Guest

    06-12-2009 UPDATED Download Link on 1st post (added +3 more SLP 2.1's)
  8. Diatomacious

    Diatomacious MDL Novice

    Oct 1, 2008

    I know I may just be being picky but in a future release it would be nice to add the code for the program to request "elevated priviledges" every time run. Forgive me if this has already been suggested and shot down but it's something I think would add a little since the app needs elevated priviledges to run in most situations anyway (at least in Vista 64 which is what I'm usin')

    PS - not criticism, just my way of contributing from an end user perspective... Love the app and have added it to my VMware installation share! Thanks millions!
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  9. caesardox

    caesardox MDL Novice

    Nov 29, 2009
    @ searchengine
    Great job! especially the x64 support. But as 4share.com had long been banned by China's Great Firewall, it has been a bit annoying for me to access your program here in China. :( Can you add a 4shared-china.com download link for us. Thank you. :)
  10. searchengine

    searchengine Guest

    #190 searchengine, Dec 20, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2009
  11. sararocs

    sararocs MDL Novice

    Jan 13, 2008
    I used the patch "A5" slic 2.1 and it said patch successful, but I see no change. When I go into vm bios it's still just the crappy limited Phoenix bios.:(
  12. sebus

    sebus MDL Guru

    Jul 23, 2008
    #192 sebus, Jan 2, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2017
  13. searchengine

    searchengine Guest

    #193 searchengine, Jan 2, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2017
  14. 911medic

    911medic MDL Guru

    Aug 13, 2008
    Gotta say...I like this tool..

    One thing. Is it possible to choose a SLIC (2.0 or 2.1) for a manufacturer say, HP and then use the Multi OEM (MU) command for all SLP 1.0??

    I would have more use for it that way. if MU is selected, the slic is non-existent..I tried MU,A13 and cannot patch...

    Only thing I can think that I would like to change..

    Fantastic job....;);):D
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  15. sararocs

    sararocs MDL Novice

    Jan 13, 2008
    Thanks. I see, now. This allows you to apply a key and matching cert all vm os's so you can avoid loaders and such. It's surprizing how much joy can come from enlightenment. Thank you, again.
  16. searchengine

    searchengine Guest

    911medic ...

    No ... if you choose SLP2.1 (A1-A25), vmx.exe patches with slic 2.1 and slic 1 for the brand you selected ... like say A13 would patch with slic 2.1 and slic 1 for HP only ..... all slp2.1's have slp1 also for specific brand ..... only 2xslp2.1's don't have slp1 (Nokia & Quanmax **).

    MU .. is just AIO slp1 option.

    glad you like it tho ;)

    sararocs ...

    welcome, glad it workin out your ya :)
  17. Stellar

    Stellar MDL Novice

    Oct 13, 2009
    thanks for this man!great work!!
  18. shibapon

    shibapon MDL Novice

    Dec 29, 2009
    Is it possible to support Japanese version of VMWare WS?
    Japanese version is the only localized products of VMWare WS, so if the tool covers Japanese version, it would be great!
  19. yyjdelete

    yyjdelete MDL Novice

    Jan 29, 2010
    The file link that you requested is not valid.
    Can you upload it again?