VMware Workstation (Multi-Brand) Bios Installer

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by searchengine, Oct 21, 2009.

  1. carfal

    carfal MDL Junior Member

    Sep 24, 2009
    So just to be clear, do i have to repatch with the latest version from the link you just fixed. The file that dareckibmw linked me to is working fine but i'm one that likes the latest and greatest. :)

    If you recommend a repatch do i just run your new file and patch over whats already there or do i have to restore the original vmware.exe file and then apply your latest patcher?

    Sorry to be a pain. :eek:
  2. iamanoob

    iamanoob MDL Senior Member

    Feb 28, 2010
    you're fine dude..
    the one you have is from "dareckibmw" .. which is a "lighter" version.. mainly for Vista and 7 ..

    the new updated link by searchengine has more support for XP (SLP) ...

    Either way..
    If you wanted to "re-patch" .. it wont hurt..
    I "re-patched" my VMware like 20 times already .. testing XP OEM-SLP CDs ..
  3. searchengine

    searchengine Guest

    #243 searchengine, Apr 9, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 9, 2010
  4. carfal

    carfal MDL Junior Member

    Sep 24, 2009
    Thanks Searchengine and iamanoob for clearing that up for me.

    As i said, everything is working perfectly so i'll leave it alone. :D
  5. Techiekid

    Techiekid MDL Member

    Nov 3, 2009
    This is one of those tools on MDL I think is a very useful. I have a several legit OEM software platforms I use as an application developer. You, Mister, have made my life a little easier. thanks searchengine for putting it together like this. Great Job!

    BTW are you involved in the project for the one with Virtualbox, I have looked at the way virtualbox works , bioswise, and the programming is a bit different from Vmware.
  6. searchengine

    searchengine Guest

    @Techiekid ...

    u r welcome ;) ... no I havn't been involved in the "Virtualbox" project, I concentrated on vmware, because different manufacturer brand bios file mods were available to download, and explore, then maybe use some, or make others to get a menu list.

    as virtualbox, and other virtual machine software has less mods available, I kinda stayed away from them, as seemed a lot of work to explore/make different bios mods to cover a lot of brands from scratch.

    I like vmware, as almost anything can install on it, and they havn't really changed their bios file structure in any significant way, from older versions to the latest ones, making life easier from a "patching" point of view ... but each new version of vmware seems more and more bloated ...so I tend to use older versions lol.
  7. iamanoob

    iamanoob MDL Senior Member

    Feb 28, 2010
    i agree ..
    i used to be a VBox enthusiast..
    but decided to try VMware because of this BIOS Tool..

    i am now a converted VMware enthusiast :)

    The GUI, functions, options are similar on both products..
    but with KB971033 being released ..
    i prefer VMware because i can activate XP, Vista, and 7 and not have to worry about being blacklisted..
    thanks to searchengine's wonderful, miracle of a tool, BIOS Patcher :)

    as for VMware being bloated..
    i don't really notice anything out of the ordinary..

    Here are a few reasons i am now a VMware convert:
    1. Aero Theme works on VMware (VBox does not support this)
    2. Multiple CPU (VBox only supports 1 core)
    3. Unity (VBox does not have this)
    4. and of course, the most important,SLP, SLIC 2.0, & SLIC 2.1 :) (VBox does not have this yet)

    im sure there are other options i have left out.. but those are the main ones that come to mind..
  8. dareckibmw

    dareckibmw MDL Expert

    Jun 16, 2009
    Wooow !!!! it is 1st "sticky" in Virtualization section ... Congrats Buddy :cool:
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  9. mr-roboto

    mr-roboto MDL Novice

    Mar 25, 2008
    First: searchengine, great work !
    Second: I just upgraded to the Feb-2010 payload and was wondering about branding of the initial VMWare logo. Is that gone for good or is it only applicable to certain BIOS patches ? I saw it on ASUS(Tek) w/ the orig patcher, but not w/ any I've tried w/ the new util. (Frankly, have only had it a couple of days.) Was very helpful to know immediately which BIOS one is using. Perhaps it can be explicitly enabled ? Thanx....
  10. urie

    urie retired mod

    May 21, 2007
  11. cck

    cck MDL Novice

    Feb 26, 2010
    fantastic work! thanks, searchengine.

    dropbox link from op gave me 404, but i got the file from mediafire. thanks also, dareckibmw.

    a very convenient tool, extremely easy to use! :)
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  12. urie

    urie retired mod

    May 21, 2007
    Looking good searchengine, great job.
  13. searchengine

    searchengine Guest

    cheers urie, and thanks for the thanks guys ;)


    do u guys that use this, find it fast enough to do the job, but slow to start, as antivirus scans all files while files extract?

    I use eset, and it slows the start for me, I've been thinking about having it extract and using a shortcut from extracted file location to start the process each time to avoid eset scan every use.

    just wondering if u guys getting slow starts like me..or, maybe it's just eset.
  14. urie

    urie retired mod

    May 21, 2007
    Yes it is a bit slow to start but that don't matter not as if changing the bios mod all the time i'm using Avast free antivirus and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.
    So you are thinking have it permanently unpacked to a folder thinking virus checker won't rescan the files again ? Are you thinking of an installer or maybe SFX ?
  15. searchengine

    searchengine Guest

    hey urie,

    yeah, at the present time the files are packed in a 7z.SFX ... that keeps file size down and keeps portable, I have also tried Winrar.SFX... but it doesn't reduce the file size much (7z seems to compress better) ... but both Winrar and 7z take about the same time to unpack with antivirus on ...say @10secs ...antivirus off...@ no time, and every time the SFX used.

    when I unpack, and just run shortcut to extracted file location....with antivirus on ...it starts in no time, every time.

    I was thinking of having it install permanently unpacked, and having shortcut to desktop, and an uninstall entry in add/remove programs to delete it all if no longer wanted.

    ...like you say tho, its not like we use it every 5 minutes, so maybe leave as is
  16. iamanoob

    iamanoob MDL Senior Member

    Feb 28, 2010
    Does anyone have a Pre-Patched BIOS File for VMware v7.0.1 w/ SLIC 2.1 for x32Bit ?

    a friend of mine needs it because he installed VMware to a different directory.. "D" drive..
    so the Patcher wont work for him..
    and im running x64Bit ...

    im trying to save him a reinstallation of VMware and his Windows 7 that's already installed on it :(

    Thanks in advance to anyone who can help
  17. searchengine

    searchengine Guest

    what brand?
  18. urie

    urie retired mod

    May 21, 2007
    #260 urie, Apr 21, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2010
    As searchengine said what brand and are you just going to add the bios manually with a resource editor or edit the virtual machine .vmx file.
    I could upload patched vmware-vmx.exe if needed. you could even install VMWare on a virtual machine and use the patcher and copy patched vmware-vmx.exe to host :)