I wanted to let everyone know that the current version also works with 7.1.0 build-261024. Thank you again!
@Sliden ... welcome @-IamLittle- ... yeah, works on that version. @Graphics ... cheers for info... fortunately, vmware have made no significant changes to binres 6006 part of vmware-vmx.exe from version to version, thus patching and activation successful from earlier versions thru to latest.
Update VMWare to v7.1.0.26 1024 PATCH: OK just two error message of the .vbs, but that functions very well. Thanks.
removed .vbs audio files from patcher on download link 1 and added/updated various boot logos. Download Link 1 (updated 29-05-2010)
Thank you what a good tool to get the SLIC in my BIOS of VMware machine. Now I wonder if you can get eMachines SLIC to this super tool?Thanks in advance
Question regarding the patcher, if this program is written just to patch the vmware-vmx.exe "ONLY" and does nothing else (portable), why it tries to modify few registry entries ? Such as HK..bla..bla\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explore\Shell Folders\Start Menu ... and other few entries for startup or process that will run at initilaization. Quote -> "It's portable, nothing is actually installed to your system .."
@svenby ... ur welcome ; I believe "eMachines" use Acer SLIC 2.1 @BIOSIN ... nothing is modified in registry; or start menu from download links 1 and 2.
It was downloaded from the link at the 1st post. and "YES", my PC is clean ! Fresh installed + VMware downloaded straight from vmware.com, oh yeah, the OS is installed from original XP disc. Since my post count is so low that I can't post any link to the screen shot (lame rule imo), I guess I will have to post some garbages until I can post here again with the sceen shot. The alerts (multiple attempts on modifying the registry on launch) was captured by the Comodo Firewall, try it your self. Dude, I'm not that noob, try it yourself on "clean" PC with Comodo Firewall installed.
@BIOSIN .... like I said, nothing is modified in registry, or start menu, or start-ups. a few 1,000 folks have downloaded and ran the patcher from links 1 and 2, and I'm pretty sure there would be many comments about suspicious reg mods and start ups before now. vmware workstation adds registry entries, start menu items, start up items, and attempts to use the internet. "The alerts (multiple attempts on modifying the registry on launch) was captured by the Comodo Firewall" Question:- Launch of Patcher or VMWare Workstation ?
Well there i defiantly something up as searchengine said No registry entries are added all the software does is patch the vmware-vmx.exe file nothing else, ok you say you download from vmware.com so you must be registered to download the demo how are you registering it with genuine serial ? or some patcher. And also if you are not a noob you will notice it is sfx file that can be unpacked and you can read the VMBIOS.cmd and read it you will notice nothing is written anywhere all it checks for location to where vmware or vmware player x86 or x64 is installed and just run a patch file. So problem is on your side.
The patcher of course, c'mon this is pretty obvious isn't it ? The patcher was launched in non admin mode (this should be ok right ? ), and yes, don't worry, the "vmware-vmx.exe" attributes has been set for this particular user who launched the pathcer with "FULL CONTROL" access since this program supposed to write vmware-vmx.exe "ONLY" right ? Once the patcher launched, the Comodo Firewall were popping multiple alerts like crazy that it was going to alter few registry entries. C'mon, why not try it yourself, comodo firewall is free and pretty good too and you can uninstall it once you've finished with it.
well .. post specific reg key modifications, rather than "HK..bla..bla" and specific "other few entries for startup or process that will run at initilaization." "bla..bla" entries not found on my system, or anyone else's apparently.
Since I'm not allowed to post link nor pictures , here the captured screen shots, just put the " h t t p : / /" part at the front at each below links These 3 attempts that was captured and all three were blocked : imgur.com/3wsCI.png imgur.com/QY26i.png imgur.com/N6opd.png And this is the normal shell run process that launches the CMD.EXE part for the batch file to start which I allowed : imgur.com/VTnuZ.png The screen once it was launched. imgur.com/nXl66.png Wish somebody could re-post these above links into images so they can be seen by others too. If I were you, I would "RE"-inspect the unpacker, these events are not supposed to happen right ? Especially it is "portable". PS : Don't know others, "may be" its just me, I always run any new program that I grabbed from Internet with precautious, and always run in non admin priv level for the 1st time , and sometimes in honey po... err. I mean in VM with all "sensitive sensors" activated.