Strange, did you run it in non administative user priviledge ? Here is the MD5 checksum of my VMware_Bios_Select_x32-64bit.exe with size 4.784.009 bytes -> 3c70541e835da997fab0aaf4ee5a3c73
I cannot test it anymore, since I (succesfully) patched the VMWare with searchengine's patcher, but I heard that if you have a good OEM-patched BIOS in your host system, you could easily use the same information for your VMWare Virtual Machines. Just add the following at the bottom of your particular *.vmx file : Code: SMBIOS.reflectHost = "TRUE"
Hi, I'm new to this forum, which has got to be one of the best resources on the net for VMware BIOS stuff. The Multi-brand BIOS installer is a really great idea. Pretty much the key to making migration of old OEM XP installs to VMware doable without lots of black magic. I was wondering about two follow-on ideas which seem like the should be FAQs but which didn't turn up in a forums search. 1) Is there an way to extract the VMware BIOS after it's been patched for a particular OEM by the multi-brand selector? I'd like to setup two different OEM VMs and figured it'd be easier to capture the respective BIOS files and specify them with bios440.filename = on the .vmx files instead of switching between them. Also... 2) Can a BIOS extracted in such a way be used under VMware Fusion on Mac OS? Basically, we've got a few old XP PCs (Dell and HP) and I'd like to move them over to VM's as images prior to disposing of the hardware. To make things more complicated, my wife has a Mac Mini while I'm under Windows 7. Ideally, I'd love to have one set of virtual files per legacy VM and open it as needed with Fusion 3 or VMware Player 3.0. But I'd settle for being able to use the same Dell image restored to separate VMware instances for Fusion and Player. Sorry if this has already been covered elsewhere. I searched for obvious stuff like 'extract vmware BIOS', but didn't find any clear answers about these issues.
Okay I'm a newbie in some respects. Especially when it comes to messing with the BIOS. I see that under the latest update of the "ATTENTION" at the begging that this patch only works with English. When I went to download it it tells me that it is "all languages". I am running Japanese Windows7 (HP) and Japanese XP (DELL). Should it work or not? Just want to make sure before messing with my machine when I don't know what I am doing. Thanks.
You can only try the patcher and see it doesn't alter you machine bios this only patches the vmware.exe file
Thanks Urie, I took your advice and tried the first option without much success. However, much to my delight, the second option worked like a charm. Solved the problem thank you.
This is probably a better idea, for all the reasons mentioned in post#4 /threads/21165-VMWare-server-1.0.10-SLIC-Bios-and-Vista-x64-activation-instructions-with-ASUS-cert
my avira found something about this ... hmmm is this ok? here is the screenshot h-t-t-p:// (just fix the h-t-t-p.. coz the forum says i cant post links yet ^^)
In case anyone was hesitating to use the new release of VMware Workstation, I can confirm this wonderful tool still works perfectly on 7.1.1 build-282343. My continued thanks!
hi, sorry my english no good could it possible to mod LEGEND Dragon & LENOVO into one slp, "LEGEND DragonLENOVO", because other ppl say install LEGEND Dragon bios can't active lenovo oem xp,install lenovo bios can't active LEGEND oem xp thanks