highspeedmac... cwag17... dork0900.... been away from PC for @24 hrs .. just seen the 64bit problem posts. Firstly, many thanks guys for detailing 64bit problems encountered. For now tho, I will edit 1st post to say 32bit only (at least for now). Personally, I have been running this in 32bit, and never had a single failure (I have ran all 10 win7 patches "A1-A10" ...and some of the 50 SLP1 for xp, but not all). However, 64bit is obviously another story ... I will carefully read thru all the comments and the log posted to see if I can see a worthwhile solution ... and I will also take a closer look at takeownership problems. Thanks guys.
cheers bro ... I will PM you if I can find an alternative to reshacker that can patch in 64bit by commandline .... and I'm gonna rethink the takeownership commands, that caused vmware to have a fit in 64bit ...and you have been a lotta help
urie ... cheers, just been thinking about Restorator (that's what I made the .res files with ... then used ResHacker in the installer to apply the .res files by silent commandline). Thinking, I can make self-contained Restorator "Patcher" files (.exe) that can be ran with silent switches, therefore its a full Restorator patch process that hopefully works in the 64bit o/s, and as its a standalone unit would not need to worry about the "not free" problem. I will make a test of a few files, and post, asking for a few kind 64bit users to try and report ....highspeedmac has already kindly offered to test for 64bit. Pico... ... at last, another "satisfied" 32bit customer; that makes two of us.
Here is a small "x64Bit Test Installer", that uses Restorator Patcher exe's that contain modded binres 6006 resource (instead of ResHacker) with a silent commandline switch to patch vmware-vmx.exe in 64bit o/s. As I run 32bit o/s, I can't fully test ... created folder paths in my o/s to mimic paths in 64bit o/s ... and managed to get the files to patch... but can't be sure how it will act in the 64bit o/s. If anyone wants to test, then here's the link. Edit - removed tester download link (1st post upated with new installer) (for testing it only includes SLIC 2.1 patching for HP and Toshiba). with any luck, this may solve earlier 64bit patching problems.
@highspeedmac ... cheers ... could you extract the installer with winrar or whatever you use....and in the Resources folder ...you will find HP_A_RUN.exe and TOSHIBA_A_RUN.exe. If you take any one of those exe files and sit it right next to your vmware-vmx.exe and double-click the HP_A_RUN or the TOSHIBA_A_RUN exe; does that allow file to patch without error? looking very much like trying to do this in 64bit is a no go tho.
many thanks amigo that last thing you tried is Restorater standalone patcher exe that contains the binres 6006 resource .... and as Restorator is supposed to support 64bit, I hoped it would do the job that Reshacker failed to do. appreciate your tests Edit ... If you can upload a copy of your original vmware-vmx.exe (64bit) I will make a patch from that to see what happens ... got to be worth a shot.
thanks bro ... got both files ... will have a look at them ... and make a patch from them to see how that goes. probably be in @8 hrs or so, getting late here. mediafire gives me some headaches, seems fussy about file names for files, sometimes I just can't get a file to upload .. then an hour later, it uploads 1st attempt will give u a shout when next "prototype" is ready
Here's the x64bit Tester ... using highspeedmac's x64 original vmware-vmx.exe. Edit - removed tester download link (1st post upated with new installer) (for x64 test only) - added SLIC 2.1 Alienware; HP; and Toshiba. Tested Restorator Standalone Patcher exe's on this file, and they appear to be working ... fingers crossed for this one.
Outstanding!!!!! Works so good, it re-patched then un-patched my already Modded one... From what I can see your hard work has paid off.. I received no errors and confirmed it Patched my Original vmx.exe with a HP 2.1 slic.. Also I confirmed it removes the slic as well....... Below is another log, just in case...
GREAT NEWS!!!! ... was quietly hopeful about that one. ....and not all my hard work; could not have progressed x64bit without your continued help and testing. I will work on an all-in-one x32 & 64 bit installer now (using Restorator Standalone Patcher exe's instead of using Reshacker to apply the patches). The main problem was that Restorator does a CRC check of the files its patching by default, hence the "not suitable error" on 64bit ... but I have since discovered ResPatchers can be told to force patch (using silent switches) ignoring CRC check of files.
No problem, glad that I was able to help you.. I think your VMware Bios changer is very useful and a great idea.... Trust me, it will receive a daily work out from me...