"2 in 1 VMware Workstation (Multi-Brand) Bios Installer 07-26-2011.7z - 9.3 MB" not able to download anything from this link/site?
I have just tested the link and it's working fine for me ... it's only a backup link in case the main links fail. Why don't u use the main download links 1 & 2????
I checked today with Workstation 8.0.0 final (build 471780). VMware BIOS build is the same as beta (339).
Installed Vmware Workstation 8.0.0 build-471780 version. I tried to use the VMBIOS_Selector_v315m.exe to patch the file but Windows not genuine and no slic 2.1 found with SLIC_ToolKit_V3.2. When i tried to patch my vmware-vmx.exe with the dell315.exe included in the package VMBIOS_Selector_v315m.exe i have this message " vmware-vmx.exe is not the right file to patch ! or wong version (while reading vmware-vmx.exe...) ". But with restorator i edit vmware-vmx.exe et i found the double entry in ressource 6006. I delete the vmware-vmx-debug.exe but nothing. cheers searchengine, It is possible to modify VMBIOS_Selector_v315m.exe use on vmware Workstation 8.0 because i whish to use it thx for your good job.
Ok I have just installed VMware Workstation on windows 7 ultimate x86 and used VMBIOS_Selector_v315m.exe and bios patched fine and showing slic 2.1 in virtual machine must be something else causing your problem.
I also just downloaded v8 trial from main site, installed, and had no problem with Dell, HP, or Acer... haven't tried others. I find it a bit strange that this "official v8 final" installs "vmware-vmx-debug.exe", as until now, I have only seen that .exe install with beta versions. However, in this "final" version "vmware-vmx-debug.exe" does not run by default, as it does in beta's.
I installed VMware Workstation on windows 7 ultimate X64 i think the difference is here and the VMBIOS_Selector_v315m.exe don't work.
yes i have this problem too the patcher works only with the x86 file and dosent patch the file in the x64 folder,there are 2 vmware-vmx.exe Files one in the Vm Directory and one in the Vmx64 Directory ,the last must jou patch manuall and it works fine, sorry for my bad english i am german. best greetz keuli
Thanks for the first bit of useful information regarding the problem every one else just tells you patcher is not working no explanation, when you say there are two vmware-vmx.exe files can you post Full paths to the vmware-vmx.exe files or screenshot at least then searcengine will know folder structure has changed and he could modify patcher script to suit.
ok for the x86 file is the directory C:/Programfiles(x86)/VMware/VMware Workstation/ and for the x64 file is the directory C:/Programfiles/VMware/VMware Workstation/x64
im running x64 and the install directory is the same as VM7: C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\x64 i had to manually patch with Restorator.
ok so were no further forward could you possibly restore vmware-vmx.exe file and run the actual patch file in same folder as restored vmware-vmx.exe file just to see if the patch works then we know it is just problem with path in the script you can unpack VMBIOS_Selector_v315m.exe with winrar and patches are in resources folder.
the patcher works not in the x64 directory ,i copy the file from x64 into the vmworkstation directory and overwrite the exsiting file,patch it and recopy it in the x64 folder and its run