Actually, I know quite a lot of people who do that.. On my person Business PC I have the the Boot Files on the C:, Several Windows Installs on the D:, Documents and settings on the E: , and the Program Files on the the F.. It's actually a highly recommend setup.. @searchengine, lol, something for your next update..
randomchaos26 & highspeedmac .... LOL There are a fair few ways to tell a batch file to select file paths ... but, its not feasible to have an installer look for custom file paths all over the shop for all o/s's (32&64bit). My interest for this patcher is to have it look for vmx.exe in the 4xlocations on 1st post .... and not any other "paths chosen by user" ... too clumsy to manage. randomchaos26 "%systemdrive%" checks C-Z (not just C) ... and if I wanted to go all international with file paths I would go pure DOS 8.3 compliant eg. %systemdrive%\PROGRA~1\VMware\VMWARE~1\VMB965~1.EXE .... but I don't, so I wont.
i have two batch scripts to enable/disable vmware's services and network adapters across my x86 and x64 installs, i will post it so you can see how i select where the program files directory is on my various configurations (some default windows paths, some custom paths) start-vmware.bat: @echo off color 0A rem IF PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE == amd64 OR rem PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 == amd64 THEN rem // OS is 64bit rem ELSE rem // OS is 32bit rem END IF if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="AMD64" goto set64 if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%"=="AMD64" goto set64 set progpath=%ProgramFiles% set mode=x86 set devcon=devcon32.exe goto do_start :set64 rem vmware installs in the 32bit program files directory by default on x64 set progpath=%ProgramFiles(x86)% set mode=x64 set devcon=devcon64.exe o_start echo running in %mode% mode. title enabling VMware Network Adapters... %devcon% enable *VMnetAdapter1 %devcon% enable *VMnetAdapter8 title starting VMware Authorization Service... net start VMAuthdService title starting VMware DHCP Service... net start VMnetDHCP title starting VMware NAT Service... net start "VMware NAT Service" rem title starting VMware Virtual Mount Manager Extended... rem net start vmount2 rem title starting VMware Registration Service... rem net start vmserverdWin32 rem title starting VMware Converter Service... rem net start ufad-p2v rem prefer to start vmware workstation, if its installed if exist "%progpath%\VMware\VMware Workstation\vmware.exe" goto start_vmware title starting VMware Player... start /D"%progpath%\VMware\VMware Player\" vmplayer.exe goto end :start_vmware title starting VMware Workstation... start /D"%progpath%\VMware\VMware Workstation\" vmware.exe :end @exit this was for vmware workstation 6.5 (and vmware player if workstation was not installed) but it should still work for vmware workstation 7.0, theres just a new service "VMware USB Arbitration Service" the script to disable vmware is similar
tested successfully on this machine, should work on all my other machines, and if i didn't mess it up too badly, most other people's computers as well used batch subroutines for extra fancy @echo off color 0A if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="AMD64" goto set64 if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%"=="AMD64" goto set64 set progpath=%ProgramFiles% goto do_start :set64 rem vmware installs in the 32bit program files directory by default on x64 set progpath=%ProgramFiles(x86)% o_start set base=%progpath%\VMware set vmx=vmware-vmx.exe set backup=%base%\BackUp-VMX set found=false call o-check if "%found%"=="false" goto ERROR1 call o-setup rem write code here GOTO:EOF o-check rem check subroutine set check-paths=VMware Workstation Lite\bin,VMware Workstation\bin,VMware Workstation,VMware Workstation\x64 rocessToken for /f "tokens=1* delims=," %%a in ("%check-paths%") do ( if exist "%base%\%%a\%vmx%" set found=%%a set check-paths=%%b ) if not "%check-paths%" == "" goto rocessToken rem if the path was not found, get out of here if "%found%"=="false" GOTO:EOF set aox=-force -guiless -nobackup -dir "%base%\%found%\" if not exist "%backup%\%vmx%" md "%backup%" & call o-backup GOTO:EOF o-backup rem backup subroutine color 80 mode con cols=80 lines=3 echo. echo Backing-Up "%vmx%" to your :%backup% folder copy "%base%\%found%\%vmx%" "%backup%\%vmx%" >nul ping -n 10 >nul GOTO:EOF o-setup rem setup subroutine rem write code here GOTO:EOF
@randomchaos26 .... the 2nd script you posted is actually very interesting ... tidy use of set and set check-paths etc. .... will have a closer look at weekend. damn it ... your making me think dark thoughts about neutralizing language ID of binres 6006, and going international (using DOS only file paths/names).
@searchengine Hi all, i'm at work now. My VMware 7 is english versione, not italian (only OS is italian). And all my problems are same if i use modded exe or i add bios440.filename="modded bios" to .vmx file. ( I don't use modded exe together bios440.filename) VMWare 6.5 work fine, but with VMWare 7 i've all that problems. VMware 7 and VMware 6.5 have same bios?
Some new tests on WMvare 7.0.0 build-203739 - ASUS, MSI and HP modded exe don't work (i don't see HD during OS installation) - DELL modded exe works fine I will try other modded exe at home, i'm am at work now (and i must WORK ) Can anyone check? Bye bye
I don't see why you people want to try all available certificates. Once a certificate is working stick to it. For me Dell is working perfectly.
The problem is not the certificate , but i can't see HD during installation If you read some post ago, you can see my problems. At this time (after 4 tests) Dell is the only working on WMvare 7.0.0 build-203739
What i said was in general not to you specifically. I didnt mean to insult you. I tried Dell and it worked for me. I am glad that Dell is working for you too.
@highspeedmac Tnx a lot for your great help Dell modded exe now work fine. I will try some new tests on weekend. VMware-vmx.exe File Version : your same version VMware 7 Version 7.0.0 Build-203739 : your same version plz can any upload (or send me by PM) singles modded bios? i want try to manually mod the vmx file. bye bye
does somebody got the modded VMware workstation 7 modded bios file, i want to try the vmx edit method. thnx
Yes, I say that, I patch vmware-vmx.exe, then I extract Binres6005. If the file is correcty parched, I should get the BIOS for Linux and I don't. Sorry for thie late reply but I was away. Regards.
UPDATED DOWNLOAD LINK ON MAIN PAGE +10 SLP1.0's added - thanks to bigfoot15 This is the last planned update, within the near future
i see what you did there, switched out "%systemdrive%\Program Files\" for %ProgramFiles% and "%systemdrive%\Program Files (x86)\" for %ProgramFiles(x86)%