is it safe to download Windows 10 Build 10102 from the mega link posted or should i keep with Windows 10 Build 10074?
There is no need to download it as it's Chinese only. Some people also reported that 10074 is actually newer than 10102.
dont u think hes a bit to old to be doing a presentation wearing that ridiculous t-shirt in front of so many people...very professional MS.
Including the ISOs. says 74 but downloads the 41s anyway. now they have updated the files to match the descriptions.
These new developer tools and their capability seems almost too good to be true. So they are basically giving you free Visual Studio for all platforms (Windows, Linux and Mac OS X) and you can start compiling apps for all relevant platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android and iOS) and most components are now open-source? I see what they are going for here, they are trying to provide the very best developer tools one could use. If they manage to get most Android developers to use Visual Studio, they get all Mac OS X and iOS developers to use Visual Studio instead of XCode etc.. They pretty much eliminate any reasonable reason for not including Windows 10 "Universal Apps" while your at it. For Android developers this sounds like great news as the current Android developer tools are supposed to be rather lacklustre. And it will also make Mac OS X and iOS developers no longer being locked to Mac OS X and XCode for developing. I guess this also make it so that if you prefer to develop in Objective-C you could drop all the Java/C++ nonsense that is Android development and develop in another language and just make Visual Studio do the rest? One would actually be able to use whichever language oneselves is most comfortable and experienced using and still be able to compile for all plattforms? Again, it sound too good to be true. Surely I have misunderstood something here? Otherwise this is huge news for developers and consumers. I guess the only drawback for Microsoft would be the fact that most developers are lazy when allowed. Most would most likely develop for iOS first (most profitable) and just do a direct re-compile/port to Android and Windows 10 and thus you would see less optimisation, less inclusion of platform specific functionality and API's being used? It might as well backfire in a way where it becomes easier for developers to make what was supposed to be a Windows 10 only application and push it towards competing platforms like Mac OS X, Linux, Android and / or iOS? But I guess that's a risk Microsoft is willing to take in order to ensure momentum in their mobile sector, because if all this is working as seamless as they are making it seem there is pretty much no points whatsoever for a Android and / or iOS developer not fire up the free Visual Studio on whichever platform they prefer for developing and re-compile their existing app and make it available for Windows Store. It shouldn't take much time or effort at all? One would hope the developers will take time and actually add all Windows specific features, APIs and make sure the UX and UI-design actually fits with Windows Universal Apps overall and not just to a straight copy of their existing app. But sadly I'm afraid most developers won't spend a time on optimisation other than making sure the app will actually run on the platform to earn some free, extra money.