Manual remove watemark, example for czech language: Windows10_TechnicalPreview_x64_CS-CZ_9926.iso Copy files: c:\Windows\Branding\Basebrd\cs-CZ\basebrd.dll.mui c:\Windows\System32\cs-CZ\shell32.dll.mui Folder: basebrd.dll.mui + shell32.dll.mui + start.cmd Backup original basebrd.dll.mui and shell32.dll.mui. Run Resource Hacker and editing copy files: basebrd.dll.mui Code: 12, "Windows 10 Pro Technical Preview" 13, "Windows 10 Pro Technical Preview" -> Code: 12, "" 13, "" shell32.dll.mui Code: 33108, "%ws Build %ws" 33115, "Licence systému Windows je platná po dobu %d %ws." 33117, "Funkce SecureBoot není správně nakonfigurována." -> Code: 33108, "" 33115, "" 33117, "" start.cmd Code: pushd "%~dp0" takeown /f c:\Windows\Branding\Basebrd\cs-CZ\basebrd.dll.mui icacls c:\Windows\Branding\Basebrd\cs-CZ\basebrd.dll.mui /grant administrators:F takeown /f c:\Windows\System32\cs-CZ\shell32.dll.mui icacls c:\Windows\System32\cs-CZ\shell32.dll.mui /grant administrators:F copy /y "basebrd.dll.mui" "c:\Windows\Branding\Basebrd\cs-CZ\basebrd.dll.mui" copy /y "shell32.dll.mui" "c:\Windows\System32\cs-CZ\shell32.dll.mui" mcbuilder pause Run start.cmd as admin. 2x "1 file(s) copied." = OK, != again run start as admin (or restart OS and again run start as admin). And restart system.
Maybe must-remove-watermark behavior explains why some folks often forget that these builds are betas, not RTM...
Not working on Windows 10 Build 10061. Evalution copy.Build 10061 is not removed. Update1: I didn't change wallpaper after patching. I will try patch again... Update2: Not working even after changing wallpaper. Evalution copy.Build 10061 is not removed.
hmm... could you try running mcbuilder.exe manually after reboot? guess its due to admin rights. just run mcbuilder.exe on a admin cmd prompt.
I wrote a small program, I hope will be helpful. File : GenericWindowsWatermarkRemover.exe Size : 0,11 MB CRC32 : D5B8F8B0 MD5 : 16f835e98e9eb49d08fe05b2afc5e0f4 SHA1 : ce8fdc306d8e46810e31550efa93bdd56f039096 *ttp://ww*