Booking room 3120 Unfortunately the future is available for a limited time only. Bookings close 14th of February 2012.
eating popcorn and trying to figure out why my brand new msi board power cycles on turn on up to 20 times and why it doesn't hibernate cuz "The system firmware didn't preserve the system memory map" UGH! i hate msi now
i'm lazy so i just decided to change my power settings to never auto go into hybernation and i updated daz's loader and added disable type 4 memory just incase it had anything to do with hybernation or reboot problem. I was tracking down reboot last night and noticed when i installed anydvd that it did the reboot thing, but after uninstalling it didn't might be a coincidence or agrivating an underlying issue
I was upgrading the ram from 3gb upto 4gb by removing a 1gb module and inserting a 2gb module it worked ok for a while until it just died!! just a black screen no bios logo nothing!! now i think the 2gb module might of been incompatible! so i replaced all the original ram modules and still dead laptop!! although i do hear the hard drive start up but no fan noise and no display
Not necessarily the RAM , could be when you opened it up you touched something you shouldn't have and it died after a bit.