Interesting article. Like the green movement where people sympathetic to the cause take their purchasing power to open new markets. I think the article points to a strong possibility that this could open new markets for people who are no longer willing to give their money to an industry which doesn't support their basic freedoms. Given a choice I'm all in.
nice.. but how about parking the article in one of the many threads, r29k? otherwise just reading the forum & drinking an icecold beer.. regards..
That is the correct move. I have been saying all along that people also need to take away the revenue that they are so readily giving to movies and music. Simply don't buy their products they will come to their senses very quickly.. Those items are frivolous and there are excellent alternatives like books.
i have just scientifically solved the eternal problem of the beer evaporating from your glass. after a great many experiments i have found the cause of this universal and age-old problem. it is caused by your drinking it!! further experimentation will continue, indefinitely, just to make sure..
Proper funding, a faithful assistant, and a pleasant demeanor are, Ive found, to be essential components for the experiment to succeed.
i will take particular care with that; proper funding is absolutely essential, of course.. faithfull assistants are a dime a dozen, of course, and i am absolutely determined to make this important experiment succeed, needless to so say. under any demeanor, in the name of science..