TRUE you are a really handsome man dareck,i forgot those pictures of you Your wife must be the luckiest woman in this world to have you near herself. DARECK and DARECKS WIFE It´s good to have one girlfriend mate,but if you don´t have her it´s ok to practice with the other one till you get a girlfriend No little man 3x You misunderstood my wise words as i see maybe i should just use her The word use is horrible mate,you LEARN from her you don´t USE her BTW red is bad and green is good In this specific case the personality doesn´t matter at all,it´s like when your going to soccer training,you take what´s good and throw away what´s bad. I see your going the right way but your view is still very blurred,but with mistakes you learn little man.
Just found disassembled CD player under my bed with CD in it assembled it, it works lol and even read mp3 discs and found one old song
brought cat home from vet / all is well. Drinking coffee / listening to music.
Making a post For you hot blooded young bucks / Eagle courtship and this is what happens if you let your passion over rule your good sense If you notice she survived and he didn't
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