Just finished repairing Blackberry 8800 It had water damage which caused red lights blinking, searched over the net - everyone said it's dead, reflowed few IC's works like a charm, 30mins ago did password reset and waiting for data scrubbing completion and then I will reflash it. (It's the same same blackberry that I wanted to buy for repair and analyze hardware design from engineering side. )
laughing at my infrastructure team leader getting spanked by the Company President for implementing changes too fast and with too little info to users...jeez what a shoutabout...f**ker, told him so.
networking HTPC with it's server / drinking coffee / spring is finally here / listening to music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIhx5pIcK0A&feature=related https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-dYNttdgl0
having an ice cold beer, and planning to bake an omelette on my dual core cpu running @ 80`centigrade..
...or WOT you shouldn't be doing For example: I am taking a test: This is a test for blood alcohol content: If you pass it you can continue with binge, but if not - immediately stop drinking. And now, easy instructions: Click on the nose of the guy. Every time when you manage to do that you can reach for another shot! have fun http://www.selfcontrolfreak.com/slaan.html