having break till later today for another BBQ and beer + more eater eggs ....... maybe one to many last night ...... (egg's that is)
About to go and throw eggs and tomatoes at the window of my ex-girlfriend's dad! That SOB ruined our relationship!!
Flying a kite, actually it has been up in the air all night, raised it yesterday afternoon and will keep it there till it falls down. Just checking on it.
having a heineken. remembering french beer. [ biere d`alsace.] -it came from the alsace region. -it was very good. -it was cheap. -it came in huge bottles. -it was readily available anywhere in france. wikimack could do worse, johnnygt.. beats easter eggs any day & twice on sundays.
Making and testing another logon screen Thanks lysy.lbn for .psd file! click this image to see it in large
Thanks guys Now I cant make up my mind which one to choose for my new custom DVD, I have 5 to choose from ....and wifey isn't helpful either I really like first one from the left http://imageshack.us/g/836/40912818.jpg/
Mmmmmm for me the last one is great,the brown one Though all of them look nice,no question I LOVE YOU AND YOUR WORK DARECK Cough cough if wifey isn´t helpful let me help you LOL