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Reading Top-News ...that Steve send us the best m$ guy ever. Waiting & welcome of Mr. Ralph Haupter Clan Boss for China, Hongkong and Taiwan. Game, set and match Ok, from Ralph we buy this Windows 8. @Canouna Sometimes silence is a victory... Haha!
Too boring, I haven't watched that since I watched a couple games in the first season. Reading news now @Jay It's West Indies not Wisconsin you crazy fur ball you !
having a heineken. and wondering if pompey the black cat is addicted to smoking, seeing that she is sitting on my lap inhaling the smoke of my cigarette, instead of scramming, as cats usually do when you smoke.. [well, at least she leaves the beer alone..]
Listening to this cover, awesome: And trying to decide wether "its" a girl or guy
downloading new ...... Skype 5.9 >>>>
Mweh, no new features that are sexy. But guess since it's 5.9 that 6.0 is on it's way.. METRO? And I'm right now smashing a button each 30 seconds.. >_>
yes, it is, but i hope they will refresh also the desktop version. also i hope Microsoft stop developing the Windows Live Messenger. They have Skype (video & text) now and the Metro style messenger.
Yea I agree. They should merge Messenger into Skype. It's now mostly like to use Messenger for chat and Skype for video. Prefer to see it both in one since Skype is very nice for just chatting too. (For who don't know: Skype is part of Microsoft so they could do..)
@TheSkafferrank it only three times, it really is a good tea. Too bad for me that I don`t seem to find a good bar that make one. ontopic: eating some "cozonac" Good nuts and rum cake.
peacefully having a heineken, for a change.. regretting i missed the thousand`s visitor to my profile.. looking at tomoko`s story, and finding it warms my heart that so many folks here have let her know that she is not alone.. [it is kind of weird that i could get any kind of pot quite legally about 3 yards from my doorstep, even though i rely only on beer for my brain damage..and i have to walk 200 yards for that..] crazy world, is not it..