Lunch time here and I'm having a big beaker dihydrogen monoxide, I hear it's supposed to aid in digestion
I see so many people drinking beer here... I would want one myself so bad... but I take liver medications and I can't so... water here it comes...
Well, there is alcohol-free beer, also suitable for drivers. As for me, it's nearing bed-time and I fancy a cup of cocoa.
Cocoa sounds nice. I'm thinking about baking some Cinnamon scones, so Tea would be the beverage de jour.
Bailey's goes very well with hot chocolate or coffee We have a tradition of getting a bottle for Christmas, the only time we get it
It's still morning, so I'm drinking coffee, hot to combat the cold and, for more effect, I've also added a drop of the hard stuff in it. I don't know if the above post has influenced me, but it's 80% proof brandy I added, which combines well. I recommend it.
Its 8.00am but I just finished my night shift of 12 hours and have a big mug of Velvateen Habit Ipa to help me sleep. budzos
I haven't had a beer in months. Maybe I'll have some hard cider for Christmas. Or better yet...maybe some hard Egg Nog. Now I'm debating whether to have coffee or tea.