i learned about deletion mutation Source: http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0070960526/student_view0/chapter18/animation_quiz_1.html
Today I learned that I should of signed up for a free yahoo email sooner so I could have a few more Office 2013 keys. budzos
i learned that Saturn has a hexagon on it's north pole Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn's_hexagon
I learned How To: Launch Program with Affinity Automatically Set source http://www.blogsolute.com/how-to-choose-cpu-core-to-be-used-by-program-by-processor-affinity/24005/
Today I learned that I should never mess with android rom without backup it first or at least without having rom which I could flash
Herb will get you through times with no money, better than money will get you through times with no herb
Today I learned that if I take a fatty piece of tissue and cut horizontal frozen sections at -28 Celsius instead of -24 I can cut a thinner section at approximately 3 microns and slide it easily off the blade with a wedged camel hair brush cut at a 45 degree angle without ripping the tissue from the freezing medium. Also adding a bounce laundry sheet to the bottom of the cryostat keeps the static cling to a minimum, but allows enough with a positively charged slide to mount the section to the slide without it jumping on the slide uncontrollably. With 3 micron sections, I also had to adjust the hematoxylin and eosin staining times to 45 seconds and 20 seconds respectively.