Yes indeed Pinky, you most certainly are. So have you figured out why they can't ship Li-Polymer batteries by air yet or are you still befuddled by that ?
Aha, it shows, me on the bold, open, embracing, winning side of history, while you are on the conservative, bollockless, scared shi**less, clueless, disoriented, "playing it safe" twatish side...
Wow. not only are you demented, You need to be institutionalized to get that from my last post. You aren't going to commit an act of terrorism wherever you are located, are you ? NSA, are you watching this clown ? He could be your next patsy, like the mentally ill person you guys targeted in NY who was gonna blow up those two airports by lighting the fuel lines on fire.
See, you really are ready for medication... Which part is "difficult", Zweistein: that Tesla heats their batteries in winter and therefore keeps them nicely functioning or that they are cooled down when they becomes too hot (see Rimac new video)? You could have seen it in THIS thread, since I posted it. Alas, you prefer talking "by heart", no info, just prejudices and irrational BS... Heh, what a "genius"... ABC and yet... Really, honestly, for a wannabe troll you are... totally idiotic!!!
And within this same thread when I brought up the problem of cold temperatures being a problem you swore up and down that it wasn't a problem.... yet now according to you it is.
Hehe, shi* for brains, you have it in front of you, in a video, served on a silver platter - and you are bragging with your utter uninformedness... Crickey, what a moron!!!
I agree, both are acting like noobs. If either one would have checked, it was not the batteries that caused the fire. The car had a motor on each wheel that was liquid cooled.... with oil. The crash caused one or more of the oil coolers to rupture, and come into contact with the hot motors and igniting Although if one of those oil filled motor coolers on each wheel failed, the car might lose traction and slip off the road