JFK, when one of those "non-existent" EV trucks hits you delivering goods up and down the USofA, I assure you, the pain is gonna be real...
After a quick search, contributer M's setup was the closest to mine. http://www.woodweb.com/knowledge_base/Building_a_rotary_phase_converter.html
That link also show's it is possible to use a starter kit instead of a single phase motor Spoiler: Hard start kit I'm not an engineer so I would not know what size/capacity of a hard start kit you would need
Well,... o.k. then your manual hand pull rope. MJ's link stated you can use a single phase motor in the same way as your pull rope
When you started that motor with the pull rope.... could you cut your grass and trim your lawn with it too?
No... But I'd bet gorski's could fly like shim's semi. Now if you all don't want to hear about stuff like this that I HAVE done in the past just let me know and I won't contribute here.
OK... I don't remember this, but my dad often told the story and laughed about it when he was still alive... Apparently I was 2 or 3 years old, and he was working on the elevator at 1366 white plains road and he left the cover off the breaker box. I saw all the pretty colored wires and reached my hand up into the box and stuck. He said that when he realized what I had done he took a flying leap and tackled me away from that box. After that he said I just sat there shaking for about 10 minutes and then I let out a blood curdling scream. I used to always play in the basement there and my favorite thing was a toy viking ship. the odd thing was it had wheels and an opening in the bottom. I found some "C" cell batteries one day and found they fit the opening in the bottom and was amazed that all the oars rowed and when put on the ground not only did it roll on it's own but it went in random directions while it was rowing. Other things I found in that basement were the plates to variable capacitors and all the hardware to build them, all in an old erector set box from the 20's. must have belonged to an amateur radio buff. The year was 1963 and I was building a go-kart using bed frame rails, a very dull drill bit and an uninsulated "skill" electric drill. it was a hot summer day and I was pushing on that bit for all I was worth and those brushes were sparking like crazy. About then a little bit of spittle came out of my mouth and it found those sparking brushes and the drill "stuck". after about 5 rolls in the grass I was finally able to let go of it. Lesson learned - always use sharp drill bits and never use the hardened steel bed rails unless you have torches and a welder. Speaking of which I was 7 and we had moved to the farm and I met a new friend. My dad had bought a 225 amp lincoln A/C welder... well you know kids. My friend and I had gathered any scrap of metal we could find, I gave him the helmet and I used a pair of sunglasses and we proceeded to start learning how to weld. 50 pounds of 1/8th inch 6013 welding rod later my friend went home, I went inside and took a nap...... 4 days later when I could finally open my eyes from the welder burn (sand in the eyes effect )I got my a$$ tanned for wasting all that welding rod and ruining my dad's anvel by using it as a base for our creation. How is that for a start ? Things get interesting when the TV's began dying and I discovered the world of high voltage transformers.
yes... childhood memories My friend and neighbor lived on a farm, and of course his dad had oxy-acetylene torch tanks, we found out real quick that if you fill up balloons with that stuff you could make a cool fireballs. You could take a bunch of pop cans back then, and cut the tops and bottoms out and tape them all together to make a home made canon with tennis balls... good for a 1/4 mile flight
acetylene made the best canon's Actually I was born and raised in Detroit but my parents moved out to the country when I was 11, little did they know the country got me into more things than that city could
LOL way later on in life at a truck shop we used to make oxy acetylene bombs. I remember one time after a snow storm we made one ( empty 5 gal pail with the bail removed, turn the rosebud tip up just as hot as you can get it, turn the gas off at the tanks, turn the gas back on and fill the 5 gal pail, again turn the gas off at the tanks, and stuff the hole with a rag) set it on top of a trash can in the yard and lit the rag.... Well the wind picked up a bit and blew the 5 gal. pail into the trash can. Of course now no one knows if the fuse is still lit or not... The boss comes out from his office and finds his entire crew standing at doorframes looking at a trash can in the yard, puts 2 and 2 together, goes back in his office and comes back out with a 12 ga shotgun and shoots the trash can which sets off the bomb. Keep in mind that the previous night there was a snowstorm and the machine shop across the way had about a foot and a half of snow on the roof all of which immediately all slid off... No one in there knew what was happening and it looked like ants evacuating. Ahhh the good old days before 9/11.
Really, what a twat! Meanwhile, in the real world: http://money.cnn.com/2017/12/21/tec...al&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer In 2018, electric cars will finally turn the corner from curious niche product to become a viable option for America's families. Next year will mark a turning point in the ultimate electrification of America's roads. Bolt is under $30K to start with... Interesting news here: https://twitter.com/ChargedEVs?t=1&...093454fd83d7a&uid=917878446&nid=244 289476621 Like: https://chargedevs.com/newswire/new...ent-grid-and-a-more-democratic-energy-system/ New report: EVs promise a more resilient grid and a more democratic energy system https://chargedevs.com/newswire/swiss-researchers-develop-prototype-solid-state-sodium-battery/ https://chargedevs.com/newswire/bmw-partners-with-solid-power-to-develop-solid-state-batteries/ https://chargedevs.com/newswire/belgian-charging-corridor-installs-tritium-fast-chargers/ All in all, nothing here for JFK to cheer him up...
"I feel like I've heard this before, PC..." Will 2017 Be the Year of the Electric Car? https://www.inc.com/yoram-solomon/2017-is-shaping-to-be-the-year-of-the-electric-car.html Councils urged to make 2011 the year of the electric car https://www.gov.uk/government/news/councils-urged-to-make-2011-the-year-of-the-electric-car 2009: Year of the Electric Car evworld.com/article.cfm?storyid=1607 "It's not going to have any of the problems Windows 2 had... this time it'll be different... trust me!"
Why gorski ? Why do you continue to break the forum rules and try to insult us ? Does the truth hurt ? Spoiler GOOD ! fricken useless millennial.