What do you think about Electric Cars?

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Katzenfreund, Aug 24, 2017.


Will your next car be electric?

  1. My next car will be electric

  2. I’ll wait several years for prices to drop

  3. I’m not convinced by them, I’ll buy conventional

  4. I am undecided, far more info is required

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  1. MrG

    MrG MDL Expert

    May 31, 2010
    @ gorski
    You didn't read the article I posted the link to, did you.
    & besides the materials (child labor, etc) there are many other problems 1) w/ the manufacture causing GG too.

    Well FYI he does quote Michael Kelly, the Emeritus Prince Philip Professor of Technology at the University of Cambridge.

  2. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    I did, which is why I told you it's already here, mentioned many times, dealt with, not just one point... So, you now need to go back and REALLY read what has already been discussed many times...

    (Btw, what the Hell is Kuwait, Yemen, Iraq, Libya and so on, if not war over resources and ICE is behind it, by and large?!? Not that one justifies the other but you have no leg to stand on...)

    But most importantly, as new tech is coming - this will also be reduced if not abolished...
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  3. MrG

    MrG MDL Expert

    May 31, 2010
    Published Aug 2, 2020.
    You must be confused, reading the ??
    Those countries are not mentioned nor is ICE in the article.
    Take your POLITICAL opinions somewhere else, this is about EV cars ±
  4. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Take your uniformed and not-understanding-the-minimal-issues prejudices somewhere else!!! Especially your arrogance, which goes well with ignorance (on these issues, for sure)!

    This is about (fossil fuel) energy and (ICE etc.) pollution and sustainability, new cleaner technology, how EVs are already cleaner and even cheaper - in the long run - than ICE...

    And if it's all a bit much for you, OK... we have many articles here dealing with those issues...

    So, please, indulge, inform yourself... read back a bit... new tech, new batteries, new charging systems, reducing the subsidies that coal, oil etc. are getting (more than a trillion a year, worldwide), understanding that renewables are now cheaper than coal etc. etc.
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  5. zen45

    zen45 MDL Addicted

    Feb 25, 2010
    im still concerned about the battery's after there spent ,it seems that we switch one pollutant for another , when we get to the point where we can put them in the ground and use it for fertilizer to grow something good thats when i will buy one !
  6. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    I thought that it was a thread to discuss something and not just to post capitalist ' pipe dream ' comercial adverts ?

    Did anyone post answers / solutions to obvious problems ? ...... Like what about recycling the batterys ? ...... Where / how will people charge them ? A charging station next to every park place and in every garage ? ...... Have we got the electric capacity to do that ? Or will we need more powerstations ? And a new grid ? .......... so that pepople who dont need cars can have one ?

    Did those points get adequately dealt with ? Are there realistic solutions / answers ? ........ or have we got to forget that and just blind ourselves with stupid science fantasy adverts ?

    At science fantasy ....... In the 60s i remember reading articles abou the future of cars and car design .......... and see the same being done now ......... the future visions were / are the same ....... and ......... non / very few of them happened .
  7. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yeah, like I am going to serve you on a silver platter, every time somebody feels lazy to read back a little...

    Yeah, like you are all geniuses and everybody else - in the government, researchers, the whole industry etc. - they are all totally stoopid...
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  8. MrG

    MrG MDL Expert

    May 31, 2010
    From my post on page 35, regarding cost a few years back now, one can include what they are paying per kWh now though.

  9. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    On TV yesterday there was a discussion about cars and polution . They talked about the ecological footprint differences between petrol and electric vehicles . There was a statement made about how long it takes for an electric car to actualy save something ........... they said 10 - 12 years ....... BUT ...... who keeps a car for 10 years ? Not just private cars also hired cars and leasing cars

    After a few minutes of people debating about wich is better one of them said ......... The best most ecological vehicle is one that doesnt get produced in the first place :)
  10. Bat.1

    Bat.1 MDL Expert

    Oct 18, 2014
    Bat was thinking bout the push for an electric fleet in de Philippines and crunching some numbers but quickly realized him lazy as h3ll in his old age.o_O
    Some interesting articles and there's more to be found: https://gulfnews.com/world/asia/phi...pneys-and-tricycles-game-over-1.1548007857224 and

    As Bat Pondered him began to realize It Just Aint Possible to do what President:wub:Duterte wants :oops:

    Given de Country is scattered across 7000+ Islands large and small, it's hard to make a guesstimate on electrical production capacity :g: But Bat'll take a shot and say dat De Philippines can prolly produce 80-90% of the electricity needed during the daylight hours. Planned "Brownouts" are usually 2-4 hours long and occur in several different parts of the Cities depending on need. Then there are always Unplanned Brownouts cause by someone frying the lines (and usually demselves) making an illegal Tap dat may last for Days.

    Pictures easily found by Google of Manila Electric Lines:

    Out of de Cities in de Mountain Provinces dare aren't any electric poles in most places and the 220V 2 Wire ONLY NO GROUND :fear2: lines are just hung in de nearest coconut tree

    So while anyone who's ever been in a Major City in a 3rd World Country may endorse the idea of getting rid of the noise and pollution cause by de Infernal Combustion Engine traditional transportation. Now width de Kung Flu problems maybe this isn't de best time :confused:
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  11. WindowsGeek

    WindowsGeek MDL Expert

    Jun 30, 2015
    YIKES how does that even works!!!!
  12. Bat.1

    Bat.1 MDL Expert

    Oct 18, 2014
    With a Backup Generator, 220 to 120 Converter, and a UPS on a surge protector :p
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  13. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Here, lazy sods, falling for ICE propaganda...

    One more:







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  14. 3sidedcube

    3sidedcube MDL Member

    Oct 1, 2009
    #1234 3sidedcube, Aug 9, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2020
    Well I can see the one wheel drive while the other three wheel's power did not go well. theoretically it's passable with a power backup ofc.

    but have a new idea totally green.
    peddle power car's .... and no not to drive with peddle power.
    peddle power to charge and power the car ... here me out.

    Crank out the fossil flue guzzling trash out from under the hood "the engine" and put in a peddle powered Alternator/generator With gear ratio adjustment for better Alternator / generator performance with the one wheel drive idea as well and boom.
    Totally green car.

    Keep's people fit and healthy. and don't cost the environment ... if battery is a problem for the green minded then use high capacitor's to hold the charge.

    But in truth. Corporation's the government university's and bigwig's of the world would not allow this kind of thing ..... because in the end it's all down to money. and if they loose out on money then you cannot have it in the first place.

    Electric car's are a nice idea but it still cost's the environment at the end of the day. they don't charge for free - unless they are solar powered < and that take's time using solar power.

    ....In this day and age we can have free energy...and that's the truth.

    Kindest regard's

    PS can we move on .
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  15. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Once again, since many are not paying attention:
    -electricity is way cheaper than fossil fuel and one can charge at home over night, so no wasting time at petrol pumps
    -maintenance of EVs is way cheaper, simpler and easier (fewer moving parts etc.)
    -EVs are much longer lasting, which we now need > circular economy, longer lasting products, much better recycling
    -batteries are highly recyclable and getting cheaper and are getting made from ever more more sustainable sources
    -the pollution coming from ICE is carcinogenic and worse, and most our schools are close to those sources of pollution
    -no subsidies to the fossil fuel industry (to the tune of over 1 trillion a year) would free our resources for R&D, plus...
    -we should give subsidies to the renewables, as this is the only sustainable and responsible, strategically right thing to do
    -these new industries create well paid and socially truly useful jobs
    -renewables are already cheaper than the fossil fuel sources
    -EVs are already cheaper long term, when ALL costs are taken into consideration
    -we will need oil for other purposes, of course, for some time to come, it is mad to use it as a source of energy!
    -batteries and other tech (HW and SW) is improving significantly and we can see the achievements easily, if only we try...
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  16. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Where i live there are loads of electric vehicles ...... taxis ...... scooters ...... hybrid busses ....... bycycles ....... motorbikes ...... even pizza delivery robots ...... every time i see one i smile and feel good ....... BUT ....... theres a BIG problem ....... for people on foot and on bycycles .

    I ride a bycycle and its realy freaky when someone zooms 50 cms past me at 60 mph on / in an electric vehicle and i didnt hear them comming . A large part of bycycle riding is rule nr. 1 = Dont get in the way ...... and a large part of that is hearing ........ hearing the trafic ........ when someone is a crap driver , or is speeding , or drunk one can often hear it comming and get out of the way .
  17. Bat.1

    Bat.1 MDL Expert

    Oct 18, 2014

    Guess it's been close to 20 Years they made it illegal to constantly blow you horn while driving in The Philippines. Gawd was a 20+ minute Taxi ride a Trip with your driver as well as EVERY udder taxi driver blowing their horn. :p
    So with the plan for all electric public transport, guess Bat'll miss seeing these signs
    Maybe if they had traffic lights and stop signs :confused:
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  18. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    #1238 case-sensitive, Aug 10, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2020
    @ Electric vehicle and pedestrian sozial distancing ...... Maybe :) ---- >




  19. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Physical distancing and social solidarity!!!
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  20. DJboutit

    DJboutit MDL Novice

    Aug 26, 2020
    They are nice but right now must do not get enough charge to be really nice to have 250 to 350 miles on a charge would be nice and you could take a road trip