What do you think about Electric Cars?

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by Katzenfreund, Aug 24, 2017.


Will your next car be electric?

  1. My next car will be electric

  2. I’ll wait several years for prices to drop

  3. I’m not convinced by them, I’ll buy conventional

  4. I am undecided, far more info is required

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  1. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Moronic! :p
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  2. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    :) Twisted . ..... just shows what hypobigotrits poly-trickers are ........ specialy the ' green ' ones .
  3. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    She must be removed and replaced by a genuinely - well, rational person, who can count a little... you know, in km... :D
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  4. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    All poly-trickers should be given a bycycle and a bus season ticket .
  5. Hahaha both of your convos make me laugh seems like i am in a Joke Section :)
    Very Good Pl Keep it up ;)
  6. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
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  7. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Only an illiterate idiot/imbecile/cretin (literally!) will not look at his power level and "just go" as far as he can go and carry on regardless, despite the warnings given by his - ahem... car... :rolleyes: so there's that...

    And then, there are trucks going round with recharging facilities for EVs, if one is driven by an idiot, after all! But one must get one's head outta one's rear end first and read a little, so one knows what the hell he is talking about, to begin with...

    And then, there's this: a see of ill-informed, spiritually lazy morons, mathematically challenged and proud to be so... and there's tons of those in all directions, everywhere...

    Now, something for a wee bit more intelligent, less cynical poor sods, people who believe other people's capacity to be creative and come up with novel solutions for old problems... No, the world has not ended with your generation, FFS...

    Here, even the old style capitalist wan*ers are changing their tact:


    Las Vegas Strip Goes Solar

    More serious power generation stories from renewables: https://www.offgridenergyindependen...eration-in-faroe-islands-tidal-energy-project

    And another serious renewable source: https://www.offgridenergyindependence.com/articles/24228/tidal-turbine-rotors-pass-20-year-test

    Cars which recharge themselves, as it were: https://www.offgridenergyindependence.com/articles/24234/squad-worlds-first-solar-city-car-is-coming

    And more innovative solutions which improve everything, bit by bit: https://www.offgridenergyindependen...lp-strawberry-farmers-through-indias-lockdown

    And why not use our own electricity to charge small devices: https://www.offgridenergyindependen...-the-game-human-body-to-recharge-smartwatches
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  8. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
  9. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    What the EU climate package means for drivers and the automotive industry
    Updated July 14, 2021, 4:55 pm

    From 2035, only emission-free cars are to be registered in the EU.

    This provides for a climate package that the EU Commission presented on Wednesday.

    Here you can find out what the automotive industry has to say about it, what this could mean for the job market and whether drivers will have to dig deeper into their pockets in the future.

    It's like getting burned out through the back door. Without direct bans, but with climate targets that have been raised to such an extent that the production of classic gasoline and diesel vehicles in Europe will in fact be phased out in the medium term - and both are likely to disappear from the streets in the long term. On Wednesday, the EU Commission presented its proposals on how the greenhouse gas emissions of the member states should be reduced by 55 percent by 2030 compared to the 1990 level. Among them are a few things that will change the way driving and building a car significantly over the next few years.

    The new CO2 rules: By 2030, the EU countries are to ensure that emissions from new cars and light commercial vehicles will decrease by an average of 55 percent compared to today. For the five years thereafter, the rules will be tightened again considerably: in 2035, the CO2 reduction should reach 100 percent by 2021, which will de facto mean "zero emissions" for all newly registered cars.

    https://web.de/magazine/politik/eu-... Was das für Autofahrer und -bauer bedeutet.0
  10. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    This luddite BS, where people are against EVs before they know anything about that, is just that - BS!

    Electricity/energy from renewables is already cheaper than fossil fuel energy, especially if one takes the subsidies from them!!! Now, imagine giving the subsidies to the renewables, all the R&D gets a boost, we all change our habits and infrastructure...

    Batteries have fallen in price SIGNIFICANTLY! There are ever more cheaper but quality EVs! EVs are cheaper long term, less demanding to maintain, energy for them much cheaper. Things are moving away from "cake" towards simple "bread"...

    If "only" all the ICE exhaust pipe carcinogen sh&t stops - WOW! Already a HUGE, WAST plus, without a second thought!

    Maybe not all of the energy production will be immediately replaced by renewables but it will certainly be put on that path! A WAY UP, A BETTER WAY! PERIOD! All else is BS!!!
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  11. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009

    GAC Aion V Can Charge 0-80% In 8 Minutes At Almost 500 kW
    Aug 14, 2021 at 12:12pm ET
    By: Andrei Nedelea
    If the numbers prove accurate, then that’s almost as quick as filling up a gas car with fuel.
    One big bugbear holding back more widespread EV adoption is having to wait for your electric car to charge for many tens of minutes, or hours sometimes, which is nowhere near as convenient as just pumping fuel into a car’s tank. However, charging speeds are going up, charging times are going down and a new car from China can reportedly charge about as quickly as you can fill a tank.

    The vehicle in question is an upcoming electric crossover for the Chinese market, the GAC Aion V, which is expected to debut this September. According to cnevpost.com (who were present at the event where the charging test was performed), during a demonstration held in late July, one GAC Aion V that was hooked up to a charger showcased the model’s super-fast charging - even at 80 percent state of charge, the vehicle was still drawing 481 kW from the charger, and it put 35.1 kWh into the battery in just 4 minutes.

    The numbers have yet to be independently verified, and they only apply to the 6C version of the Aion V, that also has a claimed NEDC range of 1,000 km (621 miles) on one charge. There’s also a 3C version whose range is 500 km NEDC and its charging speeds aren’t quite as high.

    The manufacturer says that even if the Aion V’s battery is constantly charged at maximum capacity (but at room temperature), the battery should still be good for up to 1-million (621,000 miles) before it needs to be replaced. These new super-fast charging models will start to be rolled out and they will be independently tested in order to verify the ultra-fast charging speeds.
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  12. Humperdoo

    Humperdoo MDL Novice

    Sep 8, 2021
    I want the truth about how much coal and nuclear power stations will have to be built or run at to cover all charging, we are constantly being told how bad oil is and how much we would have to use and when it would run out but nobody is talking about the electricity usage, well not in the MSM, and they sound stupid on formula E.
  13. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Dunno... Ever heard of renewables?!? Just saying...
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  14. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    I think I mentioned Sao as a real mess, traffic wise, too... So, not surprised...


    Electric air taxis to make their debut in Brazil’s most congested city

    A Dublin-based company is promising zero-emission journeys across traffic-choked São Paulo, Latin America’s biggest city

    A rendering of Vertical Aerospace's VA-X4 aircraft is seen in this image obtained by Reuters.
    The skies over Latin America’s largest city are set to witness a futuristic aerospace revolution after the Brazilian budget airline Gol struck a deal that could see it ferry commuters around São Paulo in hundreds of low-cost zero-emission electric air taxis.

    “It’s going to be an absolute disrupter. We’re going to democratise air travel,” Dómhnal Slattery, chief executive of the group that will provide the aircraft to Gol, claimed in an interview with the Financial Times.

    Slattery, from the Dublin-based firm Avolon, which recently placed an order for 500 of the aircraft from their British manufacturer, admitted helicopters were the “domain of the ultra wealthy”. Nowhere is that more true than in Brazil’s economic capital, where South America’s super-rich have long used them to hop between luxury beach properties, ranches and heavily guarded compounds.
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  15. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009

    Routes to 1000 Mile (1600km) Battery Electric Cars 2021-2041
    Materials opportunities, simplification, lightweighting, 3-5 photovoltaics, solid state batteries, zero-emission range extenders, supercapacitors, wide bandgap, graphene, aluminium, sun-tracking, heat pumps
    By Dr Peter Harrop, Dr Alex Holland, Dr Richard Collins, Dr James Edmondson and Dr James Jeffs

    Fast charging is all the talk now but doubling then trebling the range is seismic. The world solves its problems by eliminating infrastructure. The 285 page IDTechEx report, "Routes to 1000 Mile (1600km) Battery Electric Cars 2021-2041" spells it out.
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  16. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    This change for the better already would make a huge difference!!!


    WHO makes major cut in 'safe' air-pollution levels
    • [​IMG]
      Air pollution is the world's fourth-leading cause of death (Photo: Skaja Lee)
    Listen to article
    In a new study on Wednesday (22 September), the World Health Organization (WHO) found air pollution is even more damaging to human health than previously thought.

    It is the first set of guidelines aimed at reducing air pollution the agency has published since 2005.
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  17. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
  18. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #1338 gorski, Oct 14, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2021
    What - you never heard that the usual/formal test (for ICE or EVs) are BS?!? Shoot, you are an innocent... :D

    So, burning it at highest speed possible, when they mention the "eco drive"...???

    And putting the air-conditioning to the highest, just for fun...???

    Testing during cold weather, on top of that...?!?


    Or: https://www.carwow.co.uk/mercedes/news/4267/mercedes-eqs-price-specs-release-date

    "The Mercedes EQS will come with a 108kWh battery as standard, which gives it up to 478 miles of range. That’s a lot more than the 290 miles of range you get from a Porsche Taycan 4S. But it’s less than the 520 miles claimed of range of the Tesla Model S Plaid Plus.

    Whichever battery you choose, you’ll be able to charge the EQS using super-fast 200kW public chargers that can add 186 miles of range in just 15 minutes – if you can find one.

    Charging at home will take a lot longer. The standard 11kW onboard charger will let you completely charge the batteries in about 10 hours, but you can pay extra for a 22kW onboard charger that’ll do it in 5 hours."


    And so on... :p
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  19. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    electric car produce same waste as Non electric car
    produce electricity needed for this cars cost environmental damage
    produce Car batteries cost environmental damage
    good luck think you save planet Earth :mad:
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  20. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #1340 gorski, Oct 15, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2021

    If only you dig a little deeper you may find out we are switching to renewables and ever more so...

    Even if what you say is true - and it isn't! - if only the exhaust pipes of all the vehicles on the roads stopped spewing the nasty carcinogens all over our cities, towns, places and villages (our kids are usually sitting in schools right next to a busy road), well that already would be a serious achievement, reducing related illnesses like allergies and asthma onwards to nastier stuff...

    But there are studies showing quite clearly that there is a net gain from EVs, in terms of man made pollution, especially given we must switch to renewable energy sources ASAP!!!

    Fossil fuel industry today is supported with subsidies worth up to $1.9 trillion a year, worldwide! Imagine those subsidies going to renewables!!! IMAGINE!!!

    It's not like science and technology can be stopped - but they could be sped up with such an injection of $£€ for R&D in particular!!

    P.S. https://mayuryeole.substack.com/p/battery-recycling-market-industry



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