Interesting: Tesla under-reporting mileage per charge...
real driving always does not fit the EPA specs, I do not think the EPA takes into account stop & go traffic, high and low terrain and weather conditions Read: gorski, your starting to look very needy in making your links, We do understand electric cars and what they are & are not capable of
I tell you, m8: you guys are prolonging this mess with fossil fuel just by "digging in" and allowing the oil industry 10000% into your hearts and minds, for starters... You are in dire need of getting your facts straight, to begin with... Time after time, in this thread alone, you have been definitively proven WRONG and yet you keep insisting on idiotic ideas, like: 1) "having to charge the batteries 7 times a day" (poor taxi drivers who have to sit and wait for hours and hours - for what?!? even the busiest of them can drive 2 days without having to recharge), 2) not being able to travel even 250 km in a go (and EVs do go twice that nowadays), 3) EVs not being able to travel very far because of no charging stations (EU, US etc. are not exactly poor in supercharger stations), 4) batteries not being able to move bigger vehicles (look above), 5) not being able to function in cold climates (look at my first post, a third of Tesla's sales are in cold climate countries) ...and the list goes on and on. HAVE YOU NO SHAME?!?!?!?!?!? HAVE YOU NO MINIMAL CAPABILITY FOR REFLECTION AND INTROSPECTION?!? Now, THAT qualifies as "needy"!!!
Says somebody with no arguments... it figures... Go lie down a little, you're gonna overstretch your mighty brain any time soon, if you do not stop...
So, that's a no - no capacity for reflection, no shame, nada... Wrong on all counts but carrying on regardless... Wow!
Deviating from the main topic, which is currently the discussion as to who possesses the greatest mental deficiency, and tangential to the original topic about EVs, there’s also the Hydrogen Fuel Cell technology. It seems a lot of work is being done behind the scenes to make hydrogen-powered cars a reality, with Toyota on the foreground My personal view is that, if a new technology is going to prevail on the market, it will be the EVs, while Hydrogen fuel technology is an outsider, needing much development before it becomes a strong contender. But some people think otherwise and buy shares in the expectation of fat gains. - fun for da boyz!!!!!!!!!!
Correct Gorski, that is definitely a "No" for you... Dancing around and not answering a legitimate question. Seems to be par for you. Yet again I ask, What is powering these charging stations ? You know, the ones which are providing your "clean" fuel. I am gonna guess 30% coal, 60% Nuclear, and the other 10% truly clean technologies like hydro-power, Wind, and solar. Yup, your argument that electric vehicles are truly clean is great... But truly not at all well thought out. Perhaps YOU should work on that... Thinking.
If only the whole wide world were exactly as the US is right now, sawdust for brains... And as if the USofA is spell-bound never to wake up from its slumber, as if it can't change, i.e. as if it was always like this, since the Big Bang... Oh, wait, we only invented this recently... A Serbian from Croatia, an inventor and researcher by the name of Nikola Tesla made it all work for the whole world but only since Niagara falls electricity producing damn facilities kicked in with 13 of his patents in it, I believe. Which means, we Humans can learn and change, not just individually but also collectively. You know, Luhmann's systems theory. Oh, wait. You never heard of systems theory. Never mind. Take it from the professional in this thread: you really are badly informed, conservatively prejudiced and have no idea about an idea... But of course, it's all mememememe, from a trumponesque, Trumpoline-like "expert"... So, once again, who should learn how to "think"?!?
Obviously someone here is like our president and does not know when to quit keeps on beating a dead horse
Dead horse? AHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!! That is a fowl, a thoroughbred fowl, soon to kill an almost dead horse. But that is the strength of conservatives - no arguments "but they have convictions"...
But of course he has... However, it is obvious to me you two are way more brain-dead than you think...