What is better? Diskeeper or PerfectDisk ?

Discussion in 'Application Software' started by iamanoob, Apr 8, 2010.

  1. Pooh the Pirate

    Pooh the Pirate MDL Junior Member

    Sep 30, 2009
    Compared to PerfectDisk 10, version 11 is very fast. I cannot recommend Diskeeper it has the free space issue and the price is atrocious. However with solid state disks I think both companies will be out of business.
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  2. burfadel

    burfadel MDL EXE>MSP/CAB

    Aug 19, 2009
    SSD's have a long way yet before they will replace HDD's.
    - They cost more
    - They don't have the capacity yet of a magnetic drive
    - Their reliability becomes an issue after many read/write cycles. Even with the balancing software thats not going to help when the drive gets beyond a certain point of being full

    Unless the above issues are fully addressed, they'll never completely replace magnetic HDD's. They may replace the system drive, but since people not have a whole heap of videos, music, etc. these are still better suited to large capacity, 'reliable' magnetic drives than SSD's. I realise magnetic drives also have their reliability issues, but as long as you bug a good quality drive its much less of an issue.
  3. bseos

    bseos MDL Member

    Dec 5, 2007
    #23 bseos, Apr 19, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2010
    Diskeeper +1
    The new IntelliWrite is some awesome s**t.

  4. ioniancat21

    ioniancat21 MDL Member

    Apr 27, 2008
    I used Diskeeper back in the day but I currently use PerfectDisk. I personally found my performance improved greater using PerfectDisk as compared with Diskeeper, especially on older systems and drives. As technology grows, my guess is that defrag programs will eventually become obsolete. I also agree that for most regular users, Windows native Disk Defragmenter should be enough.

    So add one more vote for PerfectDisk!!!
  5. Hated On Mostly

    Hated On Mostly MDL Novice

    Apr 13, 2010
    Perfectdisk can defrag in the background when the computer is idle. The feature is called "StealthPatrol". It also offers a screen saver defrag option.
  6. Peppino

    Peppino MDL Novice

    Apr 20, 2010
  7. sam3971

    sam3971 MDL Guru

    Nov 14, 2008
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  8. sam3971

    sam3971 MDL Guru

    Nov 14, 2008
    That is kinda interesting dude. I guess the auto in diskeeper is just too much for older systems, who would have thought. Thanks for the info. BTW PerfectDisk is good too but I noticed that all the auto-run programs associated with it slow the boot down of the computer. Other then that it is good. I actually use both but only perfect disk in manual mode having the services set to manual. :)
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  9. blued

    blued MDL Junior Member

    May 31, 2007
    Yes, PerfectDisk runs in the background when your PC is in idle. It can be configured to do so in the Stealth Patrol scheduler, which by default is 72 hours. You can make it 1 hour (or triggered by screensaver) and it will run in the background when PC is idling. So Diskeeper doesnt have an advantage on this point at all. Resource usage by PD11 is under 6mb for me, which as I recall is less than Diskeeper when I tried it out last time. I dont see anything Diskeeper has that can be called as an advantage over PD, in fact, PD is more configurable and has more features.
  10. armada

    armada MDL Addicted

    Dec 8, 2007
    personally perfectdisk 11 would be my second choice but i would not use diskeeper again. i use puran defrag and love it. its actually free and does as good if not better job than anything else out there
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  11. snippits

    snippits MDL Novice

    Mar 27, 2010
    About boot time defrag.

    I used Perfect Disk to do a boot time defrag. Later, I needed to recover my system with Acronis. I have Acronis set to boot with F11 key during boot up. That way I don't have to use windows, or use the Acronis boot disk to recover a system image.

    Was booting up holding F11 key to boot Acronis, and it failed. What happened is that Perfect Disk writes to the registry, and places itself to start first in line. By doing that, it caused Acronis to fail with a F11 boot.

    So if you have a WTF just happened moment like I did with Perfect Disk boot time defrag and Acronis boot, you know what caused it.
  12. R0H1T

    R0H1T MDL Junior Member

    Apr 6, 2010
    Well duh PD defrags system files on boot(it can't be done otherwise since they're locked normally) & then does a reboot to complete the process. So the system files can't be accessed by the OS without a reboot otherwise you'll have to repair the bootsector. You must disable everything that runs after a boot defrag for it to be completed error free. So now you know what caused that definitely not PD !
  13. snippits

    snippits MDL Novice

    Mar 27, 2010
    From the Perfect Disk PDF:

    When Boot Time Defragmentation Fails

    "Occasionally when you schedule a boot time defragmentation pass in PerfectDisk you’ll get an error message during the next boot, rather than a successful defragmentation of your system files. Known error messages for this phenomenon include “Failed to open” and “Driver conflict.” These errors indicate that PerfectDisk was unable to lock the drive during boot time at which point it will reboot and launch Windows without performing the offline defragmentation task. When this happens, it’s primarily because numerous third-party programs modify the BootExecute registry key so that PDBoot.exe (the name of the PerfectDisk boot-time defragmentation executable (file) is no longer the first entry in its value string."

    My point is that if one is using other software, in my case Acronis with boot time active, boot time defrags can cause other software to fail. And, likewise, other software such as Acronis with boot time active can cause Perfect Disk to fail a boot time defrag.
  14. SCBrigth

    SCBrigth MDL Senior Member

    May 9, 2009
    I vote for Diskeeper! PerfectDisk has caused many boot problems for me (even with the boot defrag unable), after a manual defrag Windows refuses to boot and I had to run windows in safe mode and restart to get it working. After unistall PerfecDisk the problem has gone.

    Diskeeper don't cause any problem to me, is reliable and I never had to worry with it, despite the high price.
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  15. armada

    armada MDL Addicted

    Dec 8, 2007
    actually o&o is pretty nice but i hate all the extra garbage it adds to the system all over the place and all the things at startup
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  16. sam3971

    sam3971 MDL Guru

    Nov 14, 2008
    How did you get a free copy dude? I looked at it and they want ppl to buy it, at least now they do
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    PAYMYRENT MDL Developer

    Jul 28, 2009
    #39 PAYMYRENT, Apr 29, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2010
    ive used both in the past but perfect disk is what i use now....

    1. like others have said it runs in the background only when the computer it idle. (Diskeeper used to run all the time and it just made every thing soooooooo slow.)

    2. boot time defrag is fast on my system, a couple minutes, where diskeeper would take about 15 minutes to do that.

    look at the perfect disk and the diskeepr websites lol thats a good source of info of what each can and cant do and perfectdisk can do more......
  18. acyuta

    acyuta MDL Expert

    Mar 8, 2010
    Have both but also O&O, but on the advice of MatrixLeader switched to Perfect Disk 11 Pro recently. Seems like a good software. Some tweaking and customisation can also make it defrag automatically and prevent fragmentation in the first place or keep it very low. I put stealthpilot on for C; and sys. reserved, and let it start auto if fragmentation exceeds 1%. Min period is kept at 12 hrs.

    Defrag process is a bit slow compared with O&O, but that hardly matters.
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