because this thread seems to go to so many tangent discussions... What is the meaning of life? Quite literally, "to be alive" is absolutely the same state of being as "to be dying." Life then is nothing more than the act of dying, and the meaning of, better stated "purpose" of life is to come to terms with death--that each will dissolve back into the universal cosmic dust from which they came, and in some other form will live on eternally, or as long as the universe and matter exists. Beyond this, life, better said "dying" is truly individual and has no other superimposed meaning to it.
I am reading this and I remembered you... Hope it helps and you enjoy it: Here is a question from it:
"What is the meaning of life?" Philosophers and scholars have been debating this question for centuries and no-one has a definitive answer, merely speculation, conjecture and opinion. It should actually be rephrased as a subjective question, "What does life mean to you?" Now ponder that....
I thought it was the critters from outer space that got us here. They rode in on an asteroid and landed in a puddle of primordial goo... then with a bolt of lightning (just like Frankenstein) it came Alive ! Alive ! Alive !
Meaning of Life? We don't know the meaning of life or purpose of our existence on this earth as human being until we connected with all pervading power who has created us.
Here's a hint of reality.... dead people do not look good. No matter how much you try, they will look dead. Unless your into that kinda thing but I'm not going there