I would say, kind of burial agency ceo to be a professional in spirituality or a retired 3dfx Voodoo gpu Engineer
Oh, just a university degree... or three... many tests/exams... decades of studying... you know, s**t you have no clue about... hence your daft question...
u tell me u claim to be a professional and a expert in this matters....but so far u shown zero prove of it
If only you knew anything about the subject matter... Things are of course the other way round - but don't let that stop you showing your ignorance and low IQ... Common sense wouldn't be "common" if people didn't have it. On the other hand, when one needs to think seriously about something - one has to leave common set of prejudices, customs, values behind.... But OK, "f**k scientists, who needs those, if you're a Trump/Boris voter"......
oh believe me, I know of edumacated peeps and they have no no common sense at all. (aka book smarts but no street smarts) But I guess that depends on how you determine what common sense is to yourself in order to know what it really is... ain't it?
Says a dope-head getting "high" on the back of MS exhaust pipe... Joe, correct, you do not understand these notions...
science is an opinion given under certain conditions , change those conditions and the opinion is wrong, science is not cast in stone it is an opinion agreed upon by a group people who being of a like mind agree , and science has been proven wrong more then once , science has given us a lot of advances and cures for sickness it also caused a lot of grief by making things worse ! so when science says something I take it with a grain of salt