Philosophy.... Not much into that or can I say I care about it. I do not think it's bad for those that have a need to look at the inner self, but I prefer to have the here and now with out analyzing what it is I do or like. Call me cognitively inept. I really do not care. I do not spend my time trying to figure out something mentally, either I do it or do not and live with my decision IMHO On another note: skinning the clothes of of a woman is much better than simply attempting to skin anything other than an animal you hunted (that does not include humans... you should never "hunt" a human)
If only this is the only option... Btw, why on Earth do you think that Philosophy has only to do with one's "inner self"? Oh, wait, you said you don't know anything about it, so understood... But seriously, Philosophy is way much more than that!
Of course it has everything to do with one's inner self. In order to contemplate the ideas and thoughts of what you do, you must consider it from your own point of view...or somebody else's that you strongly agree with of your own perspective... hence it's about one's inner self
Here we go again: Just about inner self or about way many other things... Place your bets ladies and gentlemen!
Funny, this: when one writes "Philosophy of Right" one actually only writes of oneself... So be it...
>In general, this science cannot be fully cognized. You just acquire something for yourself and that's it. Philosopohy is not science its a subjective game . Science is objective , repeatable and prooveable .
Translated into english ---- > Pinky hasnt got any argument so he gets personal and attacks me . At the same time hes trying to insinuate that ........ he must always be right because he claims that he went to university ...... and ...... he must always be right because he learned ' properly ' ....... useing his own personal definition of ' properly ' ...... and ...... he must always be right because he ' went all the way ' ........ useing his own personal definition of ' All the way ' . >have you ever studied anything properly, all the way, as in being tested and verified?!? All the way !?!? .......... university is a start not an end ........... and learning never ends .
I must admit that despite you didn't go to a University you have a better reasoning than that pink feline.
It doesn't matter what your studies are! If you want to be successful in life The main rule of life See it through to the end!
It's more like "Don't argue with fools, they'll drag you down to their level (as they ain't got any other), then they'll beat ya with experience..."
Great Comment Sir | Very hard to understand by some how dont go in depth of sentence created by words
I thrrew myself into Hegelian dialectic. Hegel wrote in his Phenomenology of Spirit: "Thinking in contradictions means thinking the truth". This is a paraphrase. Hegel was the peak of the philosophy. Most of modern philosophers offer some kind of social reform according their ideas, but Hegel's philosophy is in essence a self-knowing of the world spirit through history. This is a constant movement of consciousness through pairs of opposites , through which it creates itself in a higher state. Consciousness creates an abstract of itself, indentifies itself with its abstract, and thus becoming established and abolishes itself simultaneously by creating a new pair of opposites. Consciousness moves from sensual experience, reasoning, and mind. Those are the phases of the movement to the final , full conscious state, which is also the beginning and the end at the same time. What makes the difference is self-knowledge which makes no difference at all. This is how dialectic works. Any statement must imply, and can mean totally contradictory statement. The final state of consciousness is the Spirit, all- embracing, all-unifying Spirit. Religious people might call it God, but Hegel avoids such a term because he considered religion a different way of accomplishing the final Unity of world Spirit . Know thyself.
> I thrrew myself into Hegelian dialectic. Did you wash your hands afterwards ???? My opinion ---- > WHY ? ...... Why waste time with OTHER PEOPLES DESCRIPTIONS ? Life is for living . 2 posibiitys = direct experience / description . Me . personaly , by myself ,alone and on my own would rather have direct experience than descriptions ...... especialy other peoples descriptuions and personal explanations . Instead of talking about it...... DO IT ...... BE IT .
Reason or Spirit or Absolute Spirit of Philosophy, i.e. his, Absolute Philosophy etc. (Religion is at a lower level of development.) However, there are various interpretations of what is most productive from Hegel, his "open dialectic", i.e. his early position or the latter, much more conservative, closed position when the Prussian state got to him etc. etc.
Trying hard to make laziness a virtue...The mind boggles sometimes, how the worst in us raises its ugly head so "proudly and easily"... If only you put the same effort into actually studying something properly, through and through...