English is my main language Vietnamese is my first language I was taught French since grandfather knows French and Vietnamese is a borrowed form of French
English is my main language even though I know my way around Spanish. Learned Latin in school--cant remember a word of it. xD
有冇人識講廣東話? (Lang. of Guangdong in China) Anyone speaks Cantonese? wǒ yě dǒng de shuō pǔ tōng huà I also speak Mandarin.
What's the difference? i also heard that in India, even in one country, indians are rich in languages...
Surely a little German too, the words are very similar, even I can get the meaning from subtitles not spoken Dutch though.
Yes a very little. "Ich have eine..." That's all. And "Nein man, ich will noch nicht gehen. Ich will noch ein bisschen tanzen." That's all. Do you speak dutch?
My native language/mother tounge is swedish but my english isnt that bad either.. Then i know some words in italian, dutch, danish and some others.. Just few words