what software can I open this file please?

Discussion in 'Application Software' started by calpo, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. calpo

    calpo MDL Member

    Apr 23, 2010
    #1 calpo, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  2. Bosh

    Bosh MDL Developer

    May 30, 2010
    Don't get me wrong, but you could just google about that and get the info by yourself.

    Here's what I found in the first result in a google search "how to open a dll file":

    "The answer is, you can't. A DLL is file created by the compiler after compiling or packaging the source code and there is no way to find out how it is written once it is compiled. If you really trust the source of your DLL, you can add this DLL to a com+ application and find out the methods and functions available through the DLL, and the parameters for those. Alternatively, you can create a simple ASP file and create an instance of this DLL and find out all the methods and functions that way too. "
  3. unknownzd

    unknownzd MDL Member

    Jul 28, 2008
    lol actually it is just a way company answered to their customer if they don't want their customer to find any secret ...... if you really want to open a dll file ..... make sure that you are experienced in assembly language ........ then you can have a try to open it in the following tool :

    - IDA Pro (basically a disassembly and ring0 debugger with a lot of useful plugin and script)
    - ollydbg (just load the dll into any program and find what it does by running the dll)
    - r0dd (I guess it should not be suitable for u @ all since it is used for experience user)

    Otherwise you can also use tools like ResEdit to find out the resources used in each dll file

    @ last ..... if the DLL is compiled with CLR support / .NET ..... it can be easily decompiled / disassembled with a log of useful info there (since .NET has included too many crappy string in the binary itself)
  4. calpo

    calpo MDL Member

    Apr 23, 2010
    Thanks a lot for your share. the reason that I ask for just because I want to compare the original dll with the cracked dll and see what is the difference inside of this file. I have no experiences with programming. Can you do me a favor to open it and save it as .txt please ?

    I'm appreciated for your help.

  5. Bosh

    Bosh MDL Developer

    May 30, 2010
    Very useful answer, but if you think in the context of the question that is not a viable option.

    Anyways, it's up to you (calpo) to try that methods :)
  6. joelh

    joelh MDL Novice

    Oct 5, 2010
    You can Google for a software called Uniextract, it can be used to extract the .dll files.