What version of mini-kms are we at now?

Discussion in 'Application Software' started by pythag0rus, May 30, 2010.

  1. SavinivaS

    SavinivaS MDL Junior Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Below is a cut & paste of the ReadMe / Changelog for mini-KMS Activator v1.054. Note that the changes from the other edition 1.2 -> 1.3 are essentially the same:

    ## ##
    ## mini-KMS Activator v.1.054 ##
    ## ##

    relese date 21.05.2010


    The activator is based on ZWT KMS-Keygen.
    KMS-Keygen is installed as Windows Service, not too much memory used, around 2 mb of RAM.
    Code generated by KMS-Keygen is not always valid, that’s why sometimes activation may fail.
    In this case just repeat activation request.
    This is KMS-Keygen problem, but not the the activator fault.

    Activator works on 32 and 64 edition of Office 2010 and Windows 6.0 or newer.

    Activator has following functions:
    • Activation of Office 2010 VL products
    • Activation status check of Office 2010 products
    • Trial reset for all Office 2010 products and Windows 6.0 or newer
    • Entering of KMS-Client keys for all Windows VL editions
    • Activation of Windows 6.0+ VL products
    • Activation status check of Windows 6.0+ products

    Activator can also restart KMService.

    Note: In Volume versions of Office 2010 KMS client key is installed by default
    so you do not need to install it again. It’s recommended to reinstall Office 2010 VL keys
    in case of activation errors only.

    For Windows activation you have to install the respective KMS client key first.
    Windows key depends on edition of product installed! (Enterprise, Professional, Home etc).

    Change log:

    1.051 - Optimized error recognition during Office 2010 and Windows activation,
    and while entering windows keys.

    1.052 - Office 2010 products trial reset is based on final RTM release 14.0.4763.1000.
    Error 0õ8007000D description added.

    1.053 -Fixed: On some systems menu inaccessible (flashing cmd window).
    For activation You have choice: run KMS server as windows service or run it once.
    Added: Installed OS is automatically determined and the respective key is installed without asking user.
    Fixed problem with Administrator rights.
    Added detection of activation possibility using volume license channel.
    Added GVLK keys for all office 2010 products (Thanks swmyp & Dark_Diver).
    Optimized installation and removing of KMService on Windows Server 2003.
    Used unpacked ZWT KMS-keygen (Thanks Dark_Diver).

    1.054 – In case GVLK key of Office 2010 is not installed, Office 2010 Key Manager is running first, than selected operation is carried out.
    Added: Installed Office 2010 product edition detection. If Retail version is detected activation functions are disabled.
    Supported activator run with command line parameters. If activator is running without parameters GUI is used.

    Command line parameters:

    mini-KMS_Activator.exe [/os] [/or] [/ws] [/wr] [/srv] [/all] [/s] [/?]

    /os Office 2010 activation with installing of KMS emulator as Windows service.
    /or Office 2010 activation with KMS emulator running once.
    /ws Windows activation with installing of KMS emulator as Windows service.
    /wr Windows activation with KMS emulator running once.
    /srv Installing (uninstalling) KMS emulator Windows service.
    /all All Volume products activation with KMS emulator running once.
    /s Hidden activation of all Volume products with KMS emulator running once.
    /? Help.

    Note: It does not matter which case are used for command line parameters, additional symbols "/" "-" (optional).
    Parameter [/s] can be used as additional for other parameters (cmd windows is hidden). In this case it must be typed second.
    If parameters of silent activation are used only errors are displayed if any.
    If wrong parameters typed usage help are displayed.
    When using parameters [/os] [/or] [/ws] [/wr] [/all] [[/s] alon] KMS emulator will be run (installed as Windows service)
    if running KMS emulator is not found on the computer.
    Cmd.exe should be run as Administrator to use Command line parameters.

    * Activator work depends on generated by ZWT KMS-Keygen activation codes.

  2. Smorgan

    Smorgan Glitcher

    Mar 25, 2010
    Well its the russians...
    Which is why I don't trust them....
    And last time I checked there was a default key already put in for windows as well...
    Cause I didn't put any key in for the Virtual copies I'm running (without the KMS, Loader, RemoveWat, or IR 4)....
    Yep usual russians....

    PS I'm not insulting the poster just the russians...
  3. SavinivaS

    SavinivaS MDL Junior Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Smorgan, I don't understand your post - I just posted the changelog because another member enquired about the changes in the activator to v1.054?

  4. Smorgan

    Smorgan Glitcher

    Mar 25, 2010
    #24 Smorgan, Jun 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2010
    Sorry about that....
    I was asking whether or not a default key is already installed without the help of the MINI-KMS bypass....
    Because I'm pretty certain that a default key is put in for just about every Microsoft Operating system...
    Just by taking a look at the change log where it says:

    For Windows activation you have to install the respective KMS client key first.
    Windows key depends on edition of product installed! (Enterprise, Professional, Home etc).

    Pretty much what I'm sayin is that I think there is a default key assigned on a MS OS install no matter what the Operating system of the said MS OS is...
  5. Smorgan

    Smorgan Glitcher

    Mar 25, 2010
  6. SavinivaS

    SavinivaS MDL Junior Member

    Sep 19, 2007

    You may be right but this is all getting off-topic and out of my area of interest. I'm using mini-KMS to activate Office 2010 only - not Windows.

  7. Smorgan

    Smorgan Glitcher

    Mar 25, 2010
    Too true best to stay on topic with these things....
    And just laugh at the russians in the off time...
    I think they're just repackaging the ZWT stuff in different ways anyway...
  8. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
    Run the activator, keep it running, go to temp folder and u can see a folder containing the files and the ZWT keygen, though I can't remember the folder name exactly..... seems that the activator is created by some kind of autorun creation software.... o_O