good times those... in 1974 I worked with an IBM Mainframe out there you can get an idea and today using Windows 10 I still use Pinball which I think is a masterpiece does not even require to configure in compatibility mode
pong (on standalone consolle) end of '70s then munchman (a pacman lookalike) and parsec (horizontal shooter) on TI99/4A, 1982 circa. Parsec is still incredibly fun to play in 2022.
vic 20 then commodore 64 i think the first game was Asteroids after that it was the Amiga thats when the games got better !
I think it would have to be Hang Man, on a Tandy 1000? Tandy something. 5 1/2 floppy disk. At my grandparents house, there was other games on floppy disks too, I can't remember them. Either that or something in school, like oregeon trail or one of those other MECC games from the "computer lab" in like 2nd grade or so. I'm 41 now. I've played all the nintendo games, like tecmo bowl, that dirt bike one... super mario, duck hunt, etc etc you guys know. But my first real game that really got me into gaming was Chrono Trigger on the SNES. Then I seen a friends father playing Diablo 1 on a PC and I never went back to consoles after that.