WHDownloader - Support and chat here Download WHDownloader v0.0.2.4: Code: Changelog v0.0.2.4: Added Windows 11 Fixed failed downloads Fixed Office extract MSPs Updated to .NET 4.5.2 Spoiler: WHDownloader v0.0.2.4 https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/whdownloader-download.66243/
Any one have the batch command file to install all these updates on 1 click process just like Solor did ?
was it this ? Code: setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion for /f %%a in ('dir /b %systemdrive%\msu\*.msu') do ( CLS echo Installing %%A %windir%\System32\wusa.exe %systemdrive%\msu\%%a /quiet /norestart )
Code: @echo off CLS TITLE WINDOWS UPDATE INSTALLER! echo. echo Getting Ready Windows Update echo Installing Windows Updates... SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION FOR /R "%~dp0" %%A IN (*.MSU) DO ( ECHO= Installing %%~nA >NUL TIMEOUT /t 3 WUSA "%%A" /quiet /norestart) echo Done!
Is you AV closing it for you. Avast kept doing that to me.. Try telling your AV to stop doing it or disable it for a wee while and see what happens..
Programmed in c# .net4 Update Changelog v1.3: Cleaned internal code Fixed downloaded updates list Fixed download speed Added download file size/remaining Tweaked download function Bug fixes
One thing i notice in my auto exit troubles, as soon as i enter, i see a red "updates offline" Why is this so? may i have some ips or hostnames so that i can figure out why updates are offline?
Hi, McRip blocked some countries from accessing his server, this application accesses it from a unique useragent. If your getting the (Updates Offline) then your country could be blocked or there could be a problem with your isp, you would need to contact McRip to confirm this.