WHDownloader - Support and chat

Discussion in 'WHDownloader' started by Alphawaves, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    #2141 Mr.X, Nov 28, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  2. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
  3. dNz

    dNz MDL Novice

    Jun 14, 2010

    I do not post topic or comments here so much, but i would like to thank both the maker of WHDownloader and abbodi1406 for Updates installer, and also thanks goes to other programmers here(MDL) and their nice programs.

    Tip: Microsoft Toolkit can integrate updates into Office too, thou it showed the progress and results as successful in console but i don't know if it really integrated them.

    Also i have a question regarding updates, what happens when i download all Office2013-x86.wh updates and use (Updates installer @abbodi1406) on a Office 2013 Standard Edition, because in Update list there are updates that are for Office 2013 Pro Plus too.
    Are they autosorted/deleted , what about "Office2013-x86.wh update list for Office 2013 Standard"

    Thank you, dNz
  4. PointZero

    PointZero MDL Member

    Oct 5, 2011
    #2144 PointZero, Dec 5, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2016
    dNz: thank you for the nice words for abbodi1406 and Alphawaves (developer of WHDownloader)- with all they've done here at MDL, they both definitely deserve huge praise.

    I'd never used CODYQX4's Microsoft Toolkit to add Office updates, so I just tried it out to test and it worked perfectly. What it does is extract out the .msp file contained in the .exe updates and copies those files to the Updates folder of your Office install folder (or just copies the .msp files directly, if that's what was selected). Look in that Updates folder after running the "Add Updates" feature in MS Toolkit and you'll see the files in there.

    When you then install Office, it will look in that Updates folder and install any updates it finds at the end of the installation.

    abbodi1406 includes every Office update available (for client products) in the WHDownloader lists. If the user has a lower edition of Office that doesn't include some of the products, the updates for those non-included products just won't apply (install).

    If you're curious to see, there'll be a setup log file in your temporary files folder after installing Office that shows the status of each update (whether it was installed or was not applicable). It's a large log file so you'll need to browse through it to find the section with that info.

    Hopefully this all makes sense to you. But if it doesn't, just post again and we'll try to explain it better.
  5. dNz

    dNz MDL Novice

    Jun 14, 2010
    #2145 dNz, Dec 5, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2016
    You're welcome, i believe so, they do deserve praise for what they do.

    Actually as i started looking into the integration of updates into Office installation not live system, i stumbled upon a guide explaining exactly what you say.

    The guide used reference to WHDownloader as tool to download updates and an explanation on how to extract and integrate them with CMD commands directly.

    But i found out that extracting updates and placing them into "update" folder as you wrote did the same thing, i guess the guide author didn't know that WHDownloader had MSP extractor already built-in (Maybe it didn't have it at the time the guide was written, so i guess there is no need for commands, Microsoft Toolkit does the same thing i think.

    Also i found a "readme" file in the "updates" folder of the installation directory. And it actually explains that the updates that are added into that folder will be installed at the end of installation.

    For me easy ways are, running WHDownloader for first time, then exiting, so the config.cfg will appear in the same folder where WHDownloader, then editing config.cfg and changing these values to :


    Runing WHDownloader again,and then start downloading updates, then WHDownloader extracts them automatically, and only leave en-US ones, all i have to do is copy them to office updates folder and make iso from that.

    Second way which is more preferable for me is with @abbodi1406's installer since @abbodi1406 is maintainer of the WHDownloader so i trust his "Installer script" more over Microsoft Toolkit or Manual integration.

    Maybe they all do the same thing or maybe there are some different commands used in these tools independently.
    I download updates with WHDownloader, put "installer script" into folder where updates are, and run it and point to setup as explained in the installer script.

    Regarding user having lower edition of Office and installation of updates, as you explained, it all makes sense. Also maybe i will look into log files just to see what happened there.

    Thank you, dNz
  6. PointZero

    PointZero MDL Member

    Oct 5, 2011
    dNz: Yes, integrating updates into Office prior to installation is straight-forward: just copy the .msp files to the Updates folder. There are several ways/tools to do it, but that's really all that needs to be done.

    And yes, WHDownloader has a feature built-in to extract the .msp files from the update's .exe files (thanks to Alphawaves). You can also right-click in the bottom area of WHDownloader and select "Office MSP Extractor" to run it from there.

    dfgrfgertetertz111: Thanks for posting those file mirrors.
  7. dNz

    dNz MDL Novice

    Jun 14, 2010
    Thank you once more for the clarification, i'am aware of that option too.
  8. johndoe83

    johndoe83 MDL Novice

    Dec 11, 2016
    Hi everyone,

    perhaps this is the wrong place to post my question - i ve searched the forums but couldnĀ“t find a better place :g:

    Is there a way to edit the UpdateLists? I need all the updates for windows server 2012r2 to integrate it to the install.wim. Ive tried to open the lists with notepad++ but its not that simple :biggrin:

    Thanks for any help

    Greetz JohnDoe83
  9. PointZero

    PointZero MDL Member

    Oct 5, 2011
    johndoe83: The lists for downloading are encrypted and can't be edited by the user. But you can export a list by clicking the disk icon next to the chosen list.

    The list for Win8.1 x64 should also apply to Server 2012 R2. There's only a small number that are Server specific that aren't in the Win8.1 x64 list and those could be manually downloaded.
  10. derrickwilliam789

    derrickwilliam789 MDL Novice

    Mar 16, 2015
    Hey guy, I'm newbie here. I want to install fresh Win7 SP1, I also downloaded all updates via WHDownloader. But now I'm really confused that many updates and have to install them in order. Beside General Updates, Hotfixes, Security Updates, I want to install some Additional and Extra Components like IE11, WMF, FM.API, WIF, WorkFolders. I choose the way installing Convenience Rollup KB3125574. Anyone give me instruction how to install those updates in order to full latest updates! Do I need install IE8, 9 and 10 Updates? Please help me!o_O
  11. derrickwilliam789

    derrickwilliam789 MDL Novice

    Mar 16, 2015
    Oh my mistake, I haven't read carefully. Thanks for the info, bro!Just one last question, WMF 3.0 needed NetFX4 to be installed first, so if I want to integrate WMF, NetFX4 to be integrated first, that I mean right? I can't find NetFX4 cabinet to integrate so it makes me crazy last night @@
  12. derrickwilliam789

    derrickwilliam789 MDL Novice

    Mar 16, 2015
    I understood. Also I found Win Toolkit NET Framework Addon made by abbodi1406 seems to work ok in WinCert Forum. Anyway thanks so much for your support, PointZero! :clap::clap::clap:
  13. Flipp3r

    Flipp3r MDL Guru

    Feb 11, 2009
    Hmm, I saw today Abbodi1406 has updated some lists.
    When I ran WHD it did not notify me of any updates so I just clicked to re-download them all.
    I keep getting "Error, The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish a trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.".
    Any ideas? All my day to day tasks are running fine on my lan...
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  14. Flipp3r

    Flipp3r MDL Guru

    Feb 11, 2009
    I'm scratching my head. The only thing I've recently done is reboot because of updates. Sheesh! :rolleyes:
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  15. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
  16. Flipp3r

    Flipp3r MDL Guru

    Feb 11, 2009
    #2160 Flipp3r, Dec 14, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
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