Kaos-Industries: Latest ISOs are available here: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/forums/microsoft-office.35/ I don't see Office 2010 with SP2 (only SP1) so you may need to add it manually. Yes, extract the MSPs from the SP into the Updates folder. There is no SP for Office 2016 so what you have is probably the latest. ---------- snof: yes
It should be okay. If you have more questions about updates, please post in this thread: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-7-hotfix-repository.19461/ This thread is for WHDownloader help.
Hi Now, I've downloaded all updates for Windows10 & Office2016. What is the best way to integrate or slipstream all these updates at once or automatically without interaction from my side? Note: Please if this is not the correct place for my question please tell me where to post it? Thanks
For windows 10 use abbodi's script. For office 2016, copy the msp files into the Update foder and reinstall.
It's very simple, put the MSP updates into the updates folder of office 2016 ISO, recreate new iso then uninstall office 2016 and once you have reinstalled office 2016, the updates will be integrated automatically.
But all my downloads are .exe while all files under the updates folder are .msp ones. How to convert .exe to .msp? Thanks @mehdibleu
Code: DownloadPath=G:\WHDownloader_0.0.2.2\ ExtractMSPPath=G:\WHDownloader_0.0.2.2\MSP's\ ExtractMSP=True MSPLangFilter= MoveOldUpdates=False FreeProcess=True UseProxy=False Address= Port= UseAuthentication=False Username= Password= URLtimeout=15000 Multiinstance=False BandwidthAllocation=0 FileChunkSize=2048 Information: *DownloadPath is the download location where all your downloaded Updates will be saved to. *ExtractMSPPath is the download location where all your extracted *.MSP(s) will be saved to. To have Office Updates auto extract *.MSP(s) make sure you set 'ExtractMSP' to =true To have Office Updates filter a language *.MSP(s) make sure you set 'MSPLangFilter' to 'your language' ie: =en-US To have WHDownloader auto move and sort Old Updates, make you set 'MoveOldUpdates' to 'true' FreeProcess will keep releasing available memory while WHDownloader is in use. This is only recommended if you have more than one processors. If your not sure, keep it set to false. Multiinstance set to true will allow WHDownloader to open multiple windows. Default bandwidth allocation is '0' (infinite) you can change this to your own above (BandwidthAllocation=??? IE: 1000000 = 10MB Default download chunk size is '2048' you can change this to your own above (FileChunkSize=??? There is also no need for uninstalling office only to reinstall an uptodate iso, just install the updates via WU or install the downloaded updates by "InstallerOfficeV14d.zip" at the OP: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/whdownloader-download.66243/
I downloaded all the available Office 2016 updates, extracted its ".msp" files and put them inside the updates folder and Windows Update detected dozens of updates to install so it didn't work. What did I do wrong? WHDownloader's updates are often outdated and is there a Office 2016 Hotfix Repository thread in this forum like the Windows 10 Hotfix Repository so that I can download the latest updates and if so, is it up to date? Also, how often is WHDownloader's updated (regarding Windows' and Office's updates, of course) as well as the Windows 10 Hotfix Repository thread, Windows Update doesn't detect any Servicing Stack update even if I don't integrate one of it so why should I do it, I removed Windows Defender so is it normal for Windows Update not to detect any definition update for it, why are the WHDownloader's updates' date different from the Microsoft Update Catalog's, if a new update is available for a certain component (Word, PowerPoint, etc.) should I replace the former which has the same name with the new one and how often are Office 2016 updates generally released (times for month), are there cumulative and delta updates like the ones for Windows 10 and usually are there updates for each component (Word, PowerPoint, etc.) or/and "general" updates for Office?
create a folder called MSP e.i in C:\ then use this command : conv2016-xxxxxxxx.exe /extract:C:\MSP (replace conv2016-xxxxxxxxxx.exe by the name of the update)
Pro tip: don't insult the work of people you're asking help from. ----- I don't think many people realize how much work and time abbodi1406 puts in behind the scenes to keep the lists updated. To be clear: I don't do any important work with WHDownloader other than answer a few questions. abbodi1406 and Alphawaves are the ones who make it all happen.
Strange, I tried again and now it installed Office 2016 with all the updates. Sorry, but how often is WHDownloader's updated (regarding Windows' and Office's updates, of course) as well as the Windows 10 Hotfix Repository thread, Windows Update doesn't detect any Servicing Stack update even if I don't integrate one of it so why should I do it, is there a Office 2016 Hotfix Repository thread in this forum like the Windows 10 Hotfix Repository so that I can download the latest updates and if so, is it up to date, I removed Windows Defender so is it normal for Windows Update not to detect any definition update for it, why are the WHDownloader's updates' date different from the Microsoft Update Catalog's, if a new update is available for a certain component (Word, PowerPoint, etc.) should I replace the former which has the same name with the new one and how often are Office 2016 updates generally released (times for month), are there cumulative and delta updates like the ones for Windows 10 and usually are there updates for each component (Word, PowerPoint, etc.) or/and "general" updates for Office?