Really nice tool, indeed . Would it be possible to implement an option to choose all updates with a single click, as it´s hard to select them one after the other for more than hundred updates.
Hello, it isn't possible to select filter language for office 2013 , do we need to select all the updates first ?
NP I should have mentioned you need to click the Filter Office Updates (Language) in options to enable language dropdown list..
I can integrate the updates using your Download Integrator tool for an updated OS during Fresh Installation, but how can i install all the updates after Fresh Installation of RTM Windows 8 in a single go without manually running all of them which is a painstaking process ? Thanks for this easy to use tool, amazing job
I like this, I will have to redo my downloads function as WebClient is not good for that option. Ive implemented my own function which is working well, just adding a few more requests to application