The bugs you described in WDI my friend are not actual bugs, ive just not explained its usage very well, its being remade.. Yes Windows Hotfix Downloader 1.6 installs .cab updates. Update: Changelog v 1.6: Added Updates installer/Uninstaller Fixed bug in download folder locations Tweaked GUI Bug fixes
Thanks for new version.... i tested it to install 1 .cab file (which i saved/downloaded from Download Integrator B3.5) I tested both modes LDR,Normal one by one but same result.. when i select an update to install within 2-3 seconds program says "Update Installed Successfully would you like to restart Your PC to complete the installation" i restarted PC then sees Installed Updates in Control Panel but Update was not installed. btw i didn't installed that update before, not from .cab file and not from Windows Updates.
That's strange I checked thoroughly the code, ive never had that problem. Ill take another look. Thanks for reporting. Your download speed doesn't look to healthy may be your isp or McRip server that's causing your problem. Edit: Just tried to replicate your problem with the same updates and was perfectly fine..
Percentage downloaded seems to be working just fine for me. Alpha, can we get a "pause download" or a "stop after current file is done" option?