WHDownloader - Support and chat

Discussion in 'WHDownloader' started by Alphawaves, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. shamu726

    shamu726 MDL Junior Member

    Nov 29, 2012
    bluediamond, even if you didn't see or even mean your "opinion" as disrespectful, that may not be how others see it, including Alpha. It's always good to keep in mind to be careful of our words as they can be misconstrued and have unintended consequences.

    As far as the updates go, u don't have to keep up with them. Just keep it at your own pace. Alpha is keeping it at his. ;)

    And others, let's all keep our heads cool. Nothing good will come of a needless argument. :hangloose:

    Peace and respects to all.

  2. Ultraform

    Ultraform MDL Junior Member

    Mar 17, 2013
    I wounder what "LDR Mode" and "Dircectory/Sub directories" does?
    i'm noob so sorry :/
    "Dircectory/Sub directories" is it like direct hotfix integration, does it replace files and add registry entries, eliminating the need to execute hotfixes during windows installation.

    soory for my bad english
  3. spidernz

    spidernz MDL Senior Member

    May 20, 2011
    Awesome work Alpha, it's looking sleeker and sleeker.

    One request though, an option (possibly by default) where after it finds updates it auto downloads the lists that update lists section, or in the update lists button, has the option (current lists) to update them.

    would be nice rather than having to click each list each time.
  4. Stimpy88

    Stimpy88 MDL Senior Member

    Mar 24, 2011

    I think this is just a classic case of people from different cultures taking different meanings from something. I could tell immediately that Bluediamond was joking, or to be more to the point, using sarcastic humour. He actually meant what he said as a complement to Alphawaves, and not as a derogatory statement.

    Please think before you jump on someone, as we are not all from the same countries and cultures, and language can be a tricky thing at the best of times, and can easily lead to misunderstandings and problems, especially the written word when you do not have the ability to see the persons face, or hear the tone of their voice. :)
  5. Flipp3r

    Flipp3r MDL Guru

    Feb 11, 2009
    Hi Alphawaves,

    While integrating updates into iso/folder, what type of checking is done?
    If an update doesn't integrate, is there a message? Log?

    I can recall watching dism apply updates & seeing a few of them not reach 100% but I got no error
    and the batch just continued on.

    Thanks m8, testing the latest edition now...
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  6. compstuff

    compstuff MDL Senior Member

    Jan 16, 2011
    Alpha I'm a bit more like Mister X in that I don't use the integration portion of your tool BUT I absolutely love WHD... very impressive... thank you very much for the work!!! By the way I also love MDL :worthy:
  7. BrokenZerØ

    BrokenZerØ Guest

    Everyday updates, I love you and your tool. ;)
  8. delphifocus

    delphifocus MDL Novice

    Mar 9, 2013
    #1489 delphifocus, May 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Suggesstion for GUI:
    [*] fix "Minimize button" that had dissappear when downloading
    [*] fix the "Maximize button's" behavior to work correctly
        ("Maximize button" will dissappear when it had been maximized, it should be changed as a "Restore Down" button appearance)
    [+] added ability to check if the download was 0 byte or uncompleted
    [*] Anothers button should be disabled if it not functioning for the current selected item
         (ex. i click Downloaded Tab, and then check one of the downloaded items, so the below button that couldn't be functioning should be disabled 
          in order to not confusing user).
    [+] Add [Schedule] button to download in specific time
    [+] Add option checkbox "[v] When download was finished:"
    • Hangup connection - or -
    • Shutdown Computer - or -
    If not checked then normally Generate Log and display the RESULT.
    [?] What does for the Extract button
    Thank you
  9. Alphawaves

    Alphawaves Super Moderator/Developer
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    Guys bluediamond ment no offence.. I get his humour and certainly took no offence, i do appreciate your support and kind words.. Now lets not get carried away with ourselves.. :roflmao: :hug2:
    Im a little busy adding some more features to WHD (Components and Features) and new update check system/changelog... :tea:
    Sorry if ive not responded to any questions, im not open to anymore GUI changes or additions. I will do everything as i like and when i like.. :eek::D :laie::bashtroll::hug2:
    Sorry if that sounded harsh, its not meant to..:hug2:
  10. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    No problem man, besides I want to apologize to bluediamond for the last post of mine, definitely it's a cross-cultural misunderstanding due to English is not my native tongue. My bad. :bashtroll:
    Moreover, post deleted.
  11. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
  12. Cipherfx

    Cipherfx MDL Junior Member

    Apr 13, 2011
    Just wanna know if this has been fix on
  13. Alphawaves

    Alphawaves Super Moderator/Developer
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    #1494 Alphawaves, May 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    At the moment its still a little bit of a problem when you have 500+ updates downloaded, as its not just loading them into view its counting each size of them to display in the downloaded tab within the space of a few seconds. Ive added optons not to load downloaded or display the size in v1.1.8.3.
    Yes i did just say v1.1.8.3 :laie:
    Ive changed the versions to a more acceptable layout so future versions wont look to big..
    v1.1.8.9 > v1.1.9.0
    v1.1.9.9 > v1.1.10.0
    v1.1.20.9 > v1.2.0.0
    Might sound confusing but it does look better
    Im working on a few things for v1.1.8.3 so please bear with me.. :)
  14. undine123

    undine123 MDL Novice

    May 8, 2014
    I have been using and liking this app with win 8.1. Thanks for a useful app. I was wondering if WHD could be used to batch install updates which
    I have already downloaded into win vista ? Thanks for your reply. undine123
  15. nechrist

    nechrist MDL Guide Pack

    Apr 24, 2010

    A little report: i just found that in the iso creation section, if you made an iso with the "bios+uefi" option enable, the created iso file doesn't boot in efi mode.
  16. Alphawaves

    Alphawaves Super Moderator/Developer
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    Will be fixed.. Sorry.:eek:
  17. Cipherfx

    Cipherfx MDL Junior Member

    Apr 13, 2011

    Thanks, take your time :cool:
  18. Blade2565

    Blade2565 MDL Junior Member

    Feb 27, 2008
    Small bug found with the downloader.... not know if reported before did do a full re-download of all updates, it shows a big red cross again in the bottom part of the downloader...
    Downloads continue but apart from the progress bar and the red cross all text display is gone after an error....

    This just for your information....
  19. MMIKEE

    MMIKEE MDL Senior Member

    Oct 6, 2012
    Sorry if this has already been reported, but I’ve noticed when starting WHD, after the downloaded Update List are checked On-Line, Windows7-x64, Windows8.1-x64 and Windows8.1-x86 and possibly other New Updates List are reported as available. However, after re-downloading these newew List the previously downloaded list are not replaced.:confused:
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