WHDownloader - Support and chat

Discussion in 'WHDownloader' started by Alphawaves, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. Alphawaves

    Alphawaves Super Moderator/Developer
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    Hi MMIKEE, i cant find anything wrong on my side. Its all working as it should be, nothing wrong in the code either..:confused:
  2. Flipp3r

    Flipp3r MDL Guru

    Feb 11, 2009
    Yeah Alphawaves, I've had similar. Everytime I opened WHD it would report a new w7-64bit. Downloading it made no difference. I had to delete it 1st & then download it...
    W8-64 updated fine though...
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  3. Alphawaves

    Alphawaves Super Moderator/Developer
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    Oh i get what you mean now, ill take another look..

    This problem looks like an update list issue, ill contact abbodi.

    EDIT 2:
    Ive changed the timestamps for Windows 7 lists so this problem should be fixed now.
    I await for reply from abbodi. :)
  4. dolivas

    dolivas MDL Junior Member

    Jan 31, 2008
    Hi Alphawaves,

    Thanks for all the hard work you and the team put in to this it's much appreciated.

    It looks like now that you fixed the Windows 7 timestamps the Windows 8 is broken if you have a chance please take a look at it.

    I was having the same problem with the Windows 7 update list as others and now that is fixed but I keep getting the Windows 8 list needs to be updated.
  5. napkin

    napkin MDL Novice

    Mar 21, 2014
    Another small visuals bug I found in latest version I'm getting the bug by loading a list, switching to the downloaded tab, and clicking on select all.

    View attachment 28850

    It seems WHD is always loading something or calculating something or rendering something or checking something whenever I am messing around with the lists. Is it possible to only do this when necessary or is it always necessary? It almost feels like it is constantly running scripts in the background (and I'm on a very fast computer that should never feel or even be laggy). I don't know how complex the GUI is but in my experience with other software, the GUI should never give the impression that the program is making the hardware work super hard to show you something, it should just show it. Just general input on my experience with WHD, not meaning to sound harsh. Keep up the good work!

    Sometimes simplicity is harder than us non-programmers understand :D
  6. Alphawaves

    Alphawaves Super Moderator/Developer
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    Fixed in v1.1.8.3!

    Its not doing anything in the background until you want it to. Then it will only load/download, nothing an old PC couldn't handle.. Why would it be doing anything else.o_O:bye2:
  7. napkin

    napkin MDL Novice

    Mar 21, 2014
    Maybe I didn't explain well enough. I'll try explaining a different way.

    1. When I double-click to open the program, it takes 3-5 seconds to open. The GUI loads at the very end and comes in with a transition effect like it was rendered on the fly or like it's a slide presentation and the next slide is loading. My confusion is why does it take this long? Not that 3-5 seconds is long but all that I've asked the program to do is open and show me it's options. If I open up windows media player or winrar or any other program it opens up instantly.

    2. When I close WHD, there is a lag on it closing. Like it's running some closing script instead of just quitting the process. Again, my confusion is why it does that. I've tried it on multiple different computers. I work with the the full HP business line of computers so I know it's not just a phenomenon on a single computer.

    3. When I use the drop-down to select a list it will say at the bottom "loading updates" and display the update it's currently loading. It looks like it is just counting from 1 to 600 really fast. It doesn't seem to have an effect on the counter if it's loading a 500kb update or if it's loading a 90mb update. There's really no clear indication of what the loading is doing other than counting the updates available in the folders. Once the loading is done, it says that it is checking through lists. I haven't asked it to do any checking, just to open up the list I selected :confused:

    After a little while the whole update area goes white and after about 10 seconds of checking lists the updates appear again but you can't interact with them for another 3-5 seconds. If I choose select all, again a huge lag happens and the bottom options disappear while it is trying to select everything. Select all should be instant since there's very basic calculations being made (if there's a checkbox and it is unchecked, check it) but it isn't. It is using 50% CPU to do this basic thing and it is taking 15 seconds (CPU goes back to normal when operation is done). To me this isn't normal behavior.


    I can try to make a video of what is happening if you want. I should have some time this evening to help if you want to troubleshoot this.
  8. Alphawaves

    Alphawaves Super Moderator/Developer
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    Ive already mentioned the loading downloaded updates bug (now fixed). The counter isn't randomly counting 0 >>>> its counting each update as its added to the list.
    Check all is not instant for close to 600 grouped updates.. Sorry your not happy with WHD at the moment, i'm continuing to make this better than when i first began the project.
    Sorry if i sound harsh, i dont mean to. My sisters labrador has just passed away at a young age, he was very close to my heart. My spirit is broken and im not thinking clearly.
    Peace to all you guys..:bye2::hug2::hug2:
  9. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    I'm sorry for your loss Alpha... :( Just take your time, no worries, no rush.
  10. napkin

    napkin MDL Novice

    Mar 21, 2014
    I'm very happy with WHD and all the time I've been able to save with it. It's an excellent tool and I am ecstatic that a talented developer such as yourself took on this giant project and is taking the time to read the posts here on this board :D

    I don't mean any of my posts to hurt your feelings. I am simply offering my experience with your tool in the hopes that it helps you in your journey to make it better. You can completely ignore me if you think my input is not good or does not apply to your plans. It will not hurt my feelings. I am just a perfectionist by nature and a lot of my input will probably reflect that when I talk about improvements.

    Sorry about the Labrador :( My condolences :hug2:
  11. Adfj

    Adfj MDL Novice

    May 13, 2014
    Not all superseded updates are moving, but copying to the superseded folder. 8.1.2
    Can you add autoupdate lists for already downloaded lists and add line in combobox "Select Updates" that select all lists?
  12. s1ave77

    s1ave77 Has left at his own request

    Aug 15, 2012
    Making kinda compliment before requesting isn't superseded by other conventions to my knowlegde either :thinking:.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  13. Adfj

    Adfj MDL Novice

    May 13, 2014
    Sorry. My english is bad. I tried to formatting the main thought and forgot a complimento_O. Thank you for WHD is excellent.
    Please correct me if I writed wrong.
  14. BrokenZerØ

    BrokenZerØ Guest

    Alpha, a minimize-button would be nice, whats about? :)
  15. mojaveron

    mojaveron MDL Novice

    Jun 25, 2010
    can anyone give advice on how to configure to differentiate between pre-, and post-SP1 fixes to download?
  16. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    Hotfix Downloader is for Windows 8.1, Windows 7 Post-SP1, Office 2013 Post-SP1, Office 2010 Post-SP2

    no pre- included
  17. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    WHD_8.1.2 has many days since it release so Win8.x update list is still usable? I want to download the whole bunch tonight :D
  18. devrekli

    devrekli MDL Novice

    May 18, 2014
    nice but for xp? :( thanks
  19. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    Updates Lists has separate update lane, they are not tied to specific version
  20. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Thanks abbodi, that said can I translate it as Win8.x update list is usable at anytime? If so then WHD will download the right updates at any given date?