Seems a good idea but files with same name (like text files and office junk filter) cannot be updated automatically, you need to delete the old one first
Thanks abbodi1406 for the "extra" info. That seems to be pretty much what is needed for new users (and sometimes, even to old ones).
What are u mean? For what we use the updates? Maybe for updating Windows? o.ö Google for some integrations tools like WinToolKit, so you will know how to use...
Here is a simple script to automate uninstalling updates using DISM how to use: replace the zero in (0) with comma separated updates' kb numbers, example: Code: set list=(2917011,2931358,2953212,2962140,2966826,2966828,999994) this will remove all updates in one dism session: Code: @echo off set list=(0) setlocal enableextensions setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion cd /d "%~dp0" set name= echo. echo Getting Packages... Dism /English /Online /Get-Packages>Packs.txt cls for /d %%G in %list% do ( for /f "tokens=3 delims=: " %%i in ('findstr %%G Packs.txt') do echo %%i>>ToRemove.txt ) for /f %%i in (ToRemove.txt) do (call set /a num+=1) for /f %%i in (ToRemove.txt) do call :setcount %%i for /L %%j in (1, 1, %num%) do ( set name=!name! /PackageName:!PK%%j! ) Dism /Online /NoRestart /Remove-Package %name% del Packs.txt ToRemove.txt echo ######################################################### echo. echo. echo Press any key to Exit pause >nul exit :setcount set /a count+=1 set PK%count%=%1 goto :eof this will remove each update in separate dism session: Code: @echo off set list=(0) cd /d "%~dp0" echo. echo Getting Packages... Dism /English /Online /Get-Packages>Packs.txt cls for /d %%G in %list% do ( for /f "tokens=3 delims=: " %%i in ('findstr %%G Packs.txt') do echo %%i>>ToRemove.txt ) for /f %%A in (ToRemove.txt) do Dism /Online /NoRestart /Remove-Package /PackageName:%%A del Packs.txt ToRemove.txt echo ######################################################### echo. echo. echo Press any key to Exit pause >nul exit please do note that the script removes all updates that has same kb number with different versions like 2952664-v3 and 2952664-v4 in Windows7, or 2976978 and 2976978-v2 in Windows8.1 so make sure you the uninstall old version before installing the new one
Does WHDownloader has a function that will expand downloaded patch.exe to msp? I accidentally deleted folder that contains the *.msp's or does anybody can share a batch script that will expand multiple patch.exe in a given folder to msp Thanks... It seems that the search for superseded updates is broken, or is it just on my end
Read the "Readme" txt and config.ini files in the root of the WHDownloader folder; modify your config.ini file accordingly. For example: Code: ExtractMSP=True I have no problem with search for superseeded updates.
I already have it in my config.ini, but the problem is that after downloading all the updates Office 2013 x64, I accidentally deleted the extracted folder... I was looking for a somewhat hidden function that will only extract the msp from the exe... I was thinking of a batch script that will extract the msp from the exe in a given folder...
One of two things work; delete your entire Office update folder and redownload or use 7-zip to extract the exe's. The executables can be launched with the switch Code: /extract:<path> for those that 7-zip does not extract correctly (very few).
Spoiler Code: @echo off set outdir=.\OfficeMSP set outdir=C:\OfficeMSP title Microsoft Office 2013 cd /d "%~dp0" set c=0 set count=0 for /f "delims=" %%G in ('"dir /b *2013*.exe" 2^>nul') do (call set /a c+=1) if %c% equ 0 goto :eof for /f "delims=" %%G in ('"dir /b *2013*.exe" 2^>nul') do (set package=%%G&call :start) del %outdir%\*.txt del %outdir%\*.xml exit :start cls echo ----------------------------------------------- echo Office Automated MSP Extractor echo ----------------------------------------------- echo. echo. echo Extracting MSP Updates... echo. echo Please be patient! echo. echo. set /a count+=1 echo update %count% of %c%: echo. echo %package% "%package%" /extract:%outdir% /quiet /norestart goto :eof .\OfficeMSP represent output folder in the current directory C:\OfficeMSP represent output folder with full specified path (recommended so it will be a persistent repo) keep one of the two lines, or else second line will have the value you may change 2013 instances if you want to extract office 2010 updates
Sorry if this seems ignorant but is this script capable of being used for both online and offline images?
If you right-click at the bottom of the WHDownloader app, you'll find the "Office MSP Extractor" option. 7-Zip can extract from all the updates (even those very few). For the ones where the .msp is not shown upon opening, double-click on the file portion named "[0]" in the exe to find the .msp. This applies to: Spoiler fm202013-kb2738045-fullfile-x86-glb.exe ipdmctrl2013-kb2825670-fullfile-x86-glb.exe mscomctlocx2013-kb2880502-fullfile-x86-glb.exe msptls2013-kb2880478-fullfile-x86-glb.exe msqry322013-kb2760249-fullfile-x86-glb.exe ospp2013-kb2883036-fullfile-x86-glb.exe outexum2013-kb2880477-fullfile-x86-glb.exe riched202013-kb2880457-fullfile-x86-glb.exe wordpia2013-kb2878319-fullfile-x86-glb.exe wxpcore2013-kb2881009-fullfile-x86-glb.exe wxpnse2013-kb2880978-fullfile-x86-glb.exe
Really sorry ive not been able to spend the time i would like to.. at making this much better.. i seem to be spending more time at hospital than i do at my PC these past months.. I will try to get back on track asap..