Well I play games on facebook and Chrome is the best for facebook because it is based on the chrome browser sys, but there is some sound issues, depending on your hardware U may have to run a older version of chrome to get sound for video's. I'm running a 7 series of Gforce and I have to use chrome 6.0 to accuire sound on video's. Firefox is a good browser but doesn't have the speed that chrome has and IE just totaly sucks period.
Chrome It's fast, free, and very easy to use. However, FireFox is the best for security as someone had already said.
Chrome and Firefox, I have the two installed... Chrome is fast but sometimes you need Firefox to do the job... I used to love Opera, I would download it and try it out!
I have been using version 5 of FF ever since it came out and haven't had any issues with it yet. It could be something else thats causing you problems...
FF5 is fine, it was FF4 that was the problem. I did some elimination and it always crashed using FF4 and when playing streaming vidoes. Could have been a plugin but now problem is solved I have kinda got used to IE.
Recently I have read an article in computer-technology-articles. It say that for secure browsing mozilla firefox is the best one.
If we look at this Year, we have no real "winner" in being "Best", every to its own. In the end it depends on which one you like. If we go with Usability, Chrome 1st and 2nd IE9 CLEARLY win (if you don't know why, you probably don't know much what Usability really is) If we go with features and overall pretty nice: Firefox and Opera, while Firefox is the one most ppl use, Opera seems to be still with a really low marketshare. Chrome is missing a "few" core features i don't want to list, which brings most ppl to Firefox instead. But if you don't miss these features, Chrome is the browser for you, Fast, auto updating, Slick userinterface, it's just what most ppl want. Not really anything to Nag about Firefox, its great overall cause of its really extensive Addon API IE9 comes with a nice and easy userface, the new download manager warns you if its a known malware, but the browser still lacks real addon support (it has one, but its s**t as you need to install that like a windows application) Opera overall has a low useability, it has TO MANY features most ppl don't even want or need, the way the options are hidden or exactly not there were you expect them to be make this browser kind of a pain for ppl who switch from IE. But if you like alot of integrated features, Opera might be the browser for you. If we go with securest browser, Chrome and IE9 win too, Chrome has sandboxed Flash and internal PDF reader which is also sandboxed (the most attacked software by exploits) but why does IE9 win too? Ask the hackers (you need some nasty exploits to attack IE9 and its always activated DEP on all installs) Firefox and Opera are definitly NOT on the "secure" browser list (on these Hack events, these two are ALWAYS the first ones to get exploited)