Which Company's Laptops are most Durable and Long Life?

Discussion in 'PC Hardware' started by Happpy, Jan 18, 2011.


Which Company's Laptops are most Durable and Long Life?

  1. Acer

  2. Apple

  3. Asus

  4. Compaq

  5. Dell

  6. Fujitsu

  7. HP

  8. IBM

  9. Sony

  10. Toshiba

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  1. Eliseo

    Eliseo MDL Novice

    Feb 9, 2011
    #21 Eliseo, Feb 19, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2011
    I've used Dell and found it pretty well.... It is reliable and Durable also.... The other one I used was my IBM laptop... It was also good for as I used it for 3 years and now My uncle is using that laptop... Cant say about any other brand, as I've never used them......
  2. randomboy

    randomboy MDL Junior Member

    Feb 10, 2010
    dell and hp.
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  3. Myrrh

    Myrrh MDL Expert

    Nov 26, 2008
    I like the Lenovo business class stuff, have had a couple of Dells and a bunch of Toshibas that were crap.

    I have not heard of the CLEVO brand before, sounds interesting.
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  4. Kamar

    Kamar MDL Junior Member

    Dec 24, 2009
    Thank you all for great info.

    But most important thing seems to be left . You may not have come across it at all ! the reliability of the hinges .

    My HP dv9230tx hinge had broken . I looked on the web and found most any make Laptops that was the #1 problem. then Sony has come up with an improved version of the hing that is claimed to be more reliable !

    I would really like the feed back on it , thank you.

    As for my HP , right off the bat it would suck up 5% of the battery over night !

    HP repair center said it was the power management circuit on Motherboard . They replaced it for free after keeping it for 20 days, and voiding my Vista activation. I had to call MS a paid # for activation, free 800 # doesn't connect .

    Problem still persisted , so I took it back. they check for a week then replaced the battery Pack. Free of course. thank you.

    Then my Lightscribe dvd would not read. they changed it with some other brand. Free , it was still in 1 year warranty.

    Warranty over my hinge broke , took it to them HP service center put price tag to 1/4 th the price of the 1 year old machine . I got it done from outside for 1/8th of their figure. it was only a mechanical job.

    then I was getting horizontal line on the screen , LCD as going bad. I used it like that for few months then Nvidia chip 7600 went bad. got it done , twice but couldn't be fixed. I spent money again to change the motherboard , but they could

    get one . I finally put it to rest . I was using desk top in the absence .

    I looked up for info about the laptops , it is said they are good for 2 to 3 year max !!

    But I need a Laptop or net book for reading , as electricity is not available all day and inverter battery doesn't last long. It is stupidity to use 500w desktop to read books , listen to song or watch movies .

    I was thinking Sony , because of Hinges and better construction . I have not heard of the Sage Co or the Cleo . going to look them up.

    Thank you all.
  5. livinginswva

    livinginswva MDL Member

    Sep 5, 2010
    my wife has a 3 year old toshiba that's still working great. also, i have a young nephew and niece (10 and 9) that have been using toshiba laptops for over 2 years with no problems.
  6. venu

    venu MDL Addicted

    Oct 16, 2009
    HP's overheat like crazy.
  7. ckenneynh

    ckenneynh MDL Novice

    May 7, 2011
    We've got 4 Dell laptops, all 3 or more years old, and no problems at all.
    Bought an Acer for my sister when Dell was short on supply during the holiday season, now 18 months old and broken.
    Acer out-of-warranty support is non-existant. They don't seem to have a pay for repair option, once the warranty runs out.
    Needless to say, it's Dell + 3 year warranty from now on!
