No-nation land = People who are like-minded, who believe in no partitions will together constitute the ultimate superpower.
In my humble opinion: 1. USA 2. China 3. European Union 4. Russian Federation 5. Brazil 6. India Potential superpowers - Wikipedia
There would probably be a civil war in China before it becomes the main superpower, despite its policies against anyone that disagrees with their policies (Tiananmen Square in 1989 etc). In such an event, there probably wouldn't be much international intervention like with the Boxer rebellion unless there were severe human rights violations or other threats such as nuclear. The extent of the intervention otherwise would be Taiwan and possibly Hong Kong. Even in the current regime there are disagreeing factions, such as those pro-environment vs pro-economy.
I think it could be China and no more country and also it could be India because there main source is hidden terrorism and they could be strong and next super power.
I must note that America is in debt up to 14 trillion dollars. It's 14.000 billion dollars. America already wasted its own future, and I don't see a fair way how would they support their milirary and economic might with such a debt? To borrow money forom China and other countries, as they do these years? China already holds american state bonds, 1000 billion dollars in value. It's easy to pretend to be super power with borrowed money. America lost the battle with China in terms of production of goods. Capital migrated to China. Now China is the world centre of production of goods. The whole Western world is flooded by cheap chinese products. So the only sector in which Americans are dominant now is military technology sector. America builds its future on local wars and corrupt foreign goverments to whom they will sell weapons. America feeds on wars and death.
I think that clearly the unelected United Nations is now the superpower! butting its nose in every aspect of life uninvited